Lance Miller Jumps in Icy Waters For Amyloidosis

Lance Miller raises thousands for Amyloidosis. (Courtesy

There’s nothing user friendly about the phrase “Polar Vortex.” The cold winds and snow that it brings are nothing to laugh about and are quite serious to animals and people alike.

This type of bone-chilling cold swept through a large portion of the country during the week of Jan. 28 with a “warm up” finally happening during the first weekend of February.

That cold turned water to ice in many places, including the bay in Ocean City.

With snow falling on ice covered waters, Carlisle Events co-owner, Corvettes at Carlisle Event Manager and Chip Miller Amyloidosis Foundation President Lance Miller had an idea.

“What would it take for me to jump into the frozen waters of the bay and who can benefit from my craziness?” he asked.

Miller didn’t have to look too far, as the selfie-mode on his camera revealed that he was both the cause and solution to what he was wondering.

The end result?

Miller took to Facebook to solicit donations for his beloved Chip Miller Amyloidosis Foundation and found that his faithful followers were eager to see him strip down to little more than board shorts to take the plunge.

At first, Miller asked for $1,000.

That total was reached with ease, then as the dollar amounts climbed, there were additional enticements, like friends of the foundation jumping in and if by chance $7,500 was reached, a Speedo was discussed.

As the donation window played out, the Speedo never happened, but the plunge sure did.

Share me! Donate towards an amazing cause!!!! Those of you that know me… you’re well aware I can’t stand the cold weather. It doesn’t get much colder than this in OC, NJ. I’ve decided to try and raise $1000+ for a great cause by pledging to jump into the frozen bay tomorrow (24 hours after this post). All funds will benefit the Chip Miller Amyloidosis Foundation – CMAF. Yes a video will be made of me jumping in tomorrow if we nail this target. Thanks in advance for your consideration & support! Every penny helps a great cause. My buddy Nick Bricker will join me if it hits $5000! Keep the donations coming in… life is good, but a little chilly!

Posted by Lance Miller on Thursday, January 31, 2019

The time was right for a jump into the deep freeze on Friday, Feb. 1 around 3 p.m. It was snowing, temperatures were in the 20’s and some of the people who said they’d do it changed their minds, but Miller forged on. With his wife, daughter and friends egging him on, Miller jumped feet first into the bay.

Based on the video evidence, he stayed in for about seven seconds before running as fast as he could on the snow-covered deck to a warm, dry towel.

After that, it was time to go inside to assess the physical damage and review the financial support.

Miller walked away with redness on his chest, abrasions from the ice on the sides of his torso and most importantly, over $4,000 raised for the Chip Miller Amyloidosis Foundation.

For some perspective, this total ranked right up there with a handful of foundation events in 2018 and required a lot less logistical planning.

“My father was my best friend and I watched him sacrifice and give so much of himself personally and professionally,” noted Miller. “It didn’t matter if he was healthy and happy at a Corvette event or weakened by Amyloidosis, dad was always giving, and I wanted to do what I could to give back and honor my father’s legacy.”

Miller continued, “I woke up one morning and thought, it’s cold, I should jump in this water, but if I’m going to do it, I want to be sure my crazy actions benefit the foundation. The power of social media is amazing.”

When he reached out for donations, he had no idea that his goal of $1,000 would be blown away to the tune of over $4,000.

“I want to thank everyone who helped me do what I did and more so, thank you everyone who helped the Chip Miller Amyloidosis Foundation,” Miller said.

While Miller won’t be doing something like this anytime soon, he is excited to re-connect with the CMAF family as part of the 2019 events and awareness schedule.

This schedule includes the 16th Annual Chip Miller Surf Fest, Taste of Ocean City & Slide for Amyloidosis, 3rd Annual Chip Miller ‘80s Themed Skate Fest, an Evening of Corvettes as part of Corvettes at Carlisle, the Hugh Claus Memorial 5K run/walk and the always popular fall car show known as Corvettes for Chip.

As with all events, prices and participation vary, but complete details on the 2019 season can be found online at or via the CMAF Facebook page,

Posted by Lance Miller on Friday, February 1, 2019