The City of Somers Point Announces Flood Insurance Discounts Go Into Effect Thursday, May 1

Somers Point City Hall


 The City of Somers Point received official notification from the Federal Emergency Management Agency that a 20-percent discount on property flood insurance will go into effect on Thursday, May 1.

“This savings is a tangible result of the flood mitigation activities Somers Point implements to protect lives and reduce property damage,” stated FEMA Community Rating System (CRS) Coordinator William Lesser in a letter to Mayor Jack Glasser.

Lesser further noted, “I commend you on your community’s actions and your determination to lead your community to be more disaster-resistant. This commitment enhances public safety, property protection, and protects the natural functions of floodplains, and reduces flood insurance.”

The discount will be included on the flood insurance invoices for National Flood Insurance Program policies issued or renewed on or after May 1, 2018.

Councilman Howard Dill, an active member of the City’s Master Plan Steering Committee, which led this effort, stated, “This approval by FEMA means that property owners who have federal flood insurance will save over $160,000 annually.”

A total of 951 property owners in Somers Point have federal flood insurance policies.  These policies insure $221 million in property and have paid more than $806,000 in premiums in 2018 to date.

The CRS provides for flood insurance discount based on the total number of points the city earns. A community accrues points to improve its CRS class rating and receives increasingly higher discounts. Points are awarded for engaging in any of 19 creditable activities, organized under four categories: public information, mapping and regulations, flood damage reduction, and warning and response.

A major recommendation of the Somers Point Master Plan was to pursue flood insurance discounts for the city’s property owners.  After more than two years of working with representatives from the FEMA Regional Office and the NJDEP, the city has established compliancy and provided the necessary documentation to show that its policies are consistent with the standards of the National Flood Insurance Program.

The city has already applied to FEMA for an additional five percent discount. Somers Point is the second city in New Jersey to gain certification of a Watershed Management Plan which should qualify the city for an Class 5 certification. Sea Isle City is the only other community in the State to complete the rigorous Watershed Management Plan requirements.

Councilman Dill noted, “Somers Point is committed to protecting our community from flooding and we will continue to take necessary actions to protect property values and reduce flood insurance for our property owners.”


About the City of Somers Point

The City of Somers Point is the oldest settlement in Atlantic County, dating back to 1693. This four-square mile attractive town is located in the eastern portion of Atlantic County in what was once known as Great Egg Harbor and was first incorporated as a borough in 1886. 

Somers Point’s tagline – “The Shore Starts Here” – lets visitors, homebuyers and business owners know that whether they’re looking to live, work or play at the shore, Somers Point is the ideal place to start. Somers Point is primarily a residential community with a relatively large proportion of its residents employed in professional services or executive positions in Somers Point and neighboring communities. Because of Somers Point’s location on the Great Egg Harbor River bayfront, it is known for its marinas, boating, and fine restaurants. Somers Point also has a vast variety of small and large shops and businesses located throughout the community.