Johnnie Moore to Speak at Ocean City Tabernacle

Johnnie Moore (Photo courtesy of Ocean City Tabernacle)

The Ocean City Tabernacle welcomes Johnnie Moore, advocate for human rights and religious freedom, to speak at the 8:30 a.m. traditional and 10:30 a.m. contemporary services on Sunday, June 12.

Rev. Moore, known for his work at the intersection of faith and foreign policy, has served as a commissioner for the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.

His groundbreaking work on behalf of religious freedom in the Middle East has received wide-reaching acclaim, including his recognition by Newsmax Magazine as one of the “ten most influential religious leaders in America.”

He was described by the Washington Post as “being able to speak to different types of people, to exude warmth and collaborative energy during one of the most divisive periods in modern America.”

Moore continues to invest a significant amount of his time and energy speaking out on behalf of human rights, promoting religious freedom, and combatting Christian persecution as well as anti-Semitism around the world.

For a complete schedule of speakers, concerts, programs and events at the Ocean City Tabernacle, visit The Tabernacle is located at 550 Wesley Ave., Ocean City.