Devin Doyle of Newport Beach on Fire Safety Tips for Families

Devin Doyle Newport Beach

As the owner, operator, and President of Response Fire Supply (RPS), Devin Doyle of Newport Beach is a major advocate for fire safety. Devin Doyle of Newport Beach is proud to own one of the premier providers of fire protection supplies in all of California. When people discover what Devin Doyle of Newport Beach does for a living they will often ask if there are things they should be doing to enhance the fire protection of their home. Today, Devin Doyle of Newport Beach will provide fire safety advice that every homeowner should consider.

The first thing any homeowner should do is ensure that they have smoke alarms installed at every level of the house. Many people forget that smoke detectors need to have their batteries replaced somewhat regularly. Devin Doyle of Newport Beach recommends checking the batteries of all smoke detectors in a home at the start of every month. Almost all modern alarms will chirp when the battery is low, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Most smoke alarms can be trusted for about a decade. When ten years go by, Devin Doyle of Newport Beach recommends installing new smoke detectors.

Every family should have a clear fire escape plan. Devin Doyle of Newport Beach encourages all parents to map out the safest route for each member of the family to exit the home in the event of a fire. The parents should then run a fire drill with their children like their school would prompt a drill. This will establish familiarity with the escape route and ensure everyone knows exactly where they are heading in the event of a fire. In addition to an exit strategy, parents should instruct all household members on where they will all meet. Ensure it’s far enough for everyone to be safe from the heat or any falling debris.

While smoking isn’t as prevalent as it once was, it’s still one of the leading causes of house fires. Devin Doyle of Newport Beach notes that careless disposal of cigarettes and cigars is the leading cause of fire deaths in North America. Avoid any situations where a person could be smoking while in bed, while tired or while under the influence of alcohol. For those who have a smoker in the house, invest in a non-tip ashtray that is large enough and deep enough to prevent a fire. If a homeowner is hosting a party with a smoker in it, check the couch cushions for any smoldering cigarettes before heading to bed for the night.

After cigarettes that are put out improperly, cooking issues are the next leading provider of house fires. The first thing anyone who cooks in their home should know is that they should never leave what they are cooking on the stove or in the oven unattended. When cooking, it’s a wise decision to always cook with short sleeves. Devin Doyle of Newport Beach recommends making sue that all pots on the stove are turned slightly so that the handles cannot be accidentally knocked into by adults and children alike. In the event that grease catches fire in a pan, simply stay calm and slide a lid over the pan and it should smother the flame. In the event of larger flames, keep the fire extinguisher in your home nearby in the kitchen.

The summer season and the winter season bring two common housefire risks. Space heaters in the winter and portable air conditioners in the summer. Portable space heaters must be kept at least four feet away from anything that can burn. If there are children in the home, its best to avoid portable space heaters, if possible. These devices can cause fires when extension chords are used. Be sure to plug these items directly into the outlet. Portable air conditioners in the summer should have the same logic applied. Avoid any extension cords, surge protectors, etc. Some fires will start because people will run a cord through a wall, which leads to overheating and fires sparked.

Taking steps to prevent a fire within the home is one of the best things anyone can do for their family. Devin Doyle of Newport Beach will continue to spread fire safety information so more people have the knowledge they need to protect themselves and their families from the threat of fire.