Cynthia Maro of Pittsburgh Discusses Low Maintenance Pets for Kids and Those with Time, Space, and Budget Restrictions

Cynthia Maro Pittsburgh

As a veterinarian, Cynthia Maro of Pittsburgh is often asked for pet recommendations that are low maintenance and suitable for kids or those with limited time, space, and budget. While pets can bring joy and companionship to our lives, not everyone has the resources to care for high-maintenance animals. Fortunately, there are plenty of easy-to-care-for pets that can make for great additions to any family without requiring too much effort. In this article, Cynthia Maro shares some of her top picks for low maintenance pets that are perfect for busy households.

Having a pet comes with a mountain of wonderful benefits for parents and kids alike! However, it doesn’t always include tail-wags and fuzzy cuddles. Pets that are large or considered high maintenance can become a regrettable choice for those with certain lifestyle restrictions.

Cynthia Maro states that the pets discussed below are not only easy to care for, but can alleviate concerns regarding various restrictions. One example would be guinea pigs, which are easily handled by children and are fairly small. Another option would be a bearded dragon, which can not only be handled by kids, but is also small and needs little upkeep.

Below, Cynthia Maro of Pittsburgh reviews the importance of finding a pet that fits well with certain life constraints.

Why Low Maintenance Pets Are Necessary

Cynthia Maro says that pets are extremely beneficial to just about any demographic of family, and even more so for children. Having to care for a pet is one of the best ways to teach a child the importance of having responsibilities. At the same time, gaining companionship and emotional support from an animal that relies on their caretaker creates a sense of purpose as well as a new relationship.

However, problems arise when a family selects a pet whose natural needs are too much for them to handle. This often occurs because the family has certain time restrictions, space limitations, or budget boundaries that simply cannot be crossed.

For example, Cynthia Maro of Pittsburgh reports that large breeds of dogs may be great for household protection and just plain lovability, but they come with their fair share of concerns. A Great Dane, for example, can cost over $100 annually for heartworm prevention alone. This is not to mention feeding, grooming, and other veterinary related expenses.

Besides this, dog breeds that are too large can become lethargic and depressed when they are not provided with enough room to play and exercise, such as a small apartment or townhome with little to no yard space. A general rule of thumb is that the larger the animal, the more maintenance and responsibility, which may be too much for children even with adequate space!

This is why Cynthia Maro of Pittsburgh suggests that whether a potential pet owner has children or simply lives with restrictions on time, space, and budget capabilities, knowing the options for low maintenance pets can be vitally important.

List of Low Maintenance Pets

Bear in mind that no matter how low maintenance a pet may be, all animals will still require some cleanup, care, and a generous amount of responsibility. With that said, Cynthia Maro provides a list of low maintenance pets below:

  • Guinea Pigs – Guinea pigs are a type of pocket pet, meaning they can be handled by children and held often. As a bonus, they are not as fragile as tinier rodents like hamsters. Cynthia Maro of Pittsburgh explains that Guineas are considered low maintenance because they require no vaccines and very little medication as long as their habitats and bedding are cleaned and changed regularly.
    Cynthia Maro Pittsburgh
  • Fish – Fish are always a great option in terms of relaxation, and especially space! There is no need to worry about a fish knocking fragile decor off the counter. They are great for teaching children how to manage the scientific aspects of a tank and vary in maintenance depending on the type of fish selected.
  • Rabbits – There are few animals cuddlier and appealing to children than rabbits, though they are a bit more fragile than a guinea pig. As long as children are taught to manage the weight of the rabbit’s back legs appropriately while carrying it to avoid hurting the rabbit’s spine, they are generally great pets for small spaces.
  • Turtles – Another great option is a turtle, which can be similar to taking care of fish. They simply require their tanks to be maintained regularly, and they can help to teach kids good hygiene before and after handling the animal.
  • Birds – Birds such as parakeets are relatively low in upkeep, provided a family gets 2 for the sake of the animal’s happiness. Cages and the cleanup of the area around them are a daily task kids can get used to, and though they require careful watchfulness for illnesses, they are small and easy to handle.
  • Bearded Dragons – One of the best benefits of a bearded dragon is how long they can live, often providing up to 15 years of companionship for kids and adults alike. They are even quite affectionate and, having no fur, are great for those with allergies to dander.
  • Ferrets – A ferret is higher in maintenance needs than other animals listed above, but they are affectionate and fun to watch when there are multiple in a home. They are extremely playful, persistently smelly, and sometimes nip or bite, so watch out for that!
  • Mice, Rats, or Hamsters – Cynthia Maro of Pittsburgh says that these small rodents have many of the same needs as a guinea pig. However, each can vary in personality and appropriateness as a pet for children due to the risk of nipping behavior. Despite the distaste some parents have toward small rodents, they generally bond well with children.
  • Hermit Crabs – Finally, Cynthia Maro maintains that hermit crabs are one of the all-time greatest starter pets. They require very little care, can live up to 30 years in a well-maintained enclosure, and love to live in groups. Keep a lid on the enclosure, provide adequate salt, shells, and fresh water that is not from the tap to avoid chemicals, and enjoy!

In Conclusion

There are a wide variety of low maintenance pets for individuals of all ages. Most of the animals discussed above are extremely easy to care for.

Others like birds and rabbits offer great companionship without a need for constant attention. Select a low maintenance pet, and you’ll have a great experience regardless of restrictions!