Daniel Swersky Discusses Trends in Personal Development

Daniel Swersky

Daniel Swersky is an experienced educator and leader who has spent his career designing and developing human-centered solutions to workplace and other challenges. In the following article, Danny Swersky discusses trends in personal development, and how streamlining life both professionally and personally is what’s on trend for 2023.
Feeling stuck is a powerful motivator.

The need for change lingers without action. And it’s ultimately up to an individual to evolve, whether it’s professionally or personally.

Daniel Swersky explains that the most effective way to accomplish that, is to learn how to evolve. Humankind is always seeking ways to develop in their career and their lives outside of the office and personal development has become a lucrative market.

Daniel Swersky provides below some of the latest trends in personal and professional development:

Technology Investment

Employers always look for the potential in new generations of workers, especially when it comes to being technological savvy. So why have employers relied on outdated technology for far too long?

Danny Swersky says that’s changing. A large number of companies are investing in career development by eschewing outdated technology (PowerPoint slides be gone!) for new approaches like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and augmented reality — and actually training employees to use them effectively.

Online Training

With so many employers (and employees) embracing hybrid schedules or “work from anywhere” situations, more training is also happening from anywhere. Enter the concept of distributed teams and other online employee training techniques.

Work teams are increasingly being trained by tutors in real time but exclusively online. Such training is also getting more specific and tailored for modern needs.

This inclusive diversity, equity, and inclusion training and more curated, personalized online learning experiences for individual employees or small groups of so-called micro-learning units explains Danny Swersky.

Training is also becoming more well-rounded, with skills that apply to both one’s career and personal life. This includes financial management and decision-making, as well as mindfulness techniques.


Now more than ever, businesses are valuing adaptability and flexibility in current and future employees. Daniel Swersky says that managers are looking for staff who can adapt to new platforms and goals, as well as learn new skills to take on to fill different roles within the company.

Such professional development techniques now have very 21st-century names.
Reskilling refers to learning new skills for new-role transitions, while upskilling is when employers are being taught additional skills by an employer so there’s more value in their position.

Even more celebrated is cross-skilling, when employees develop new skills to better support and collaborate with co-workers and other teams.


In and out of the workplace, minimalism is taking hold. While in the past, people embraced complex technology or over-the-top beauty regimens because they all screamed “different!” and “advanced!”

Going back to the simple yet effective basics latest life trend, from downsizing real estate to sticking with that one pair of simple jeans you can’t live without. Excess is out, especially when seeking to improve oneself explains Danny Swersky.

Daniel SwerskyTelehealth

Telemedicine, personalized health care provided over the phone or online as opposed to an in-person visit, is having s big moment.

In 2021, 37% of American adults utilized telemedicine, which can focus on both traditional medical care, psychological help, and more. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Daniel Swersky explains that fewer than 1% of all health care in America was conducted through telehealth.

And it is being heralded. Research indicates that 85% found that telehealth elevated care timelines, and 75% of practitioners said that they can provide high-quality care via telemedicine, according to the American Medical Association.


Daniel Swersky explains that personal and professional development courses have long adhered to a macrolearning approach. Training is centered on skills to be learned eventually and is conducted through training that often takes days.

These are almost always taught by people in classrooms or through online courses. The content is mostly for strictly educational purposes.

Microlearning on the other hand, takes a more modern tact according to Daniel Swersky. Microlearning can take minutes and may be based on just one skill or technique. There is heavy use of virtual articles and videos — evening learning games. It’s designed to be accessed at all times as opposed to a one-time classroom experience.

Macrolearning was once the standard. It’s not as though microlearning isn’t effective and impactful. But the concept of four-hour lectures spread out over several days doesn’t quite align with the fast-paced workplace landscape of today.

Microlearning on the other hand offers skilled workers eye-opening educational skills and talent refinement in as little as five minutes — and the lessons can be constantly updated to reflect new trends and initiatives.

Think of it as development on-demand.