Grace Knitters Use Passion to Help New Moms and Babies

Mina D’Agostino of Egg Harbor Township displays a baby blanket she made for a newborn at Shore. (Photos courtesy of Shore Medical Center)

The women of Grace Lutheran Church in Somers Point have devoted their time, talent and commitment to help new mothers and their babies born at Shore Medical Center for the past 16 years.

The Grace Knitters, led by Bettie Cross and her friends, meet weekly at the church to knit and crochet beautiful baby blankets, caps and other items which they donate to Shore’s maternity department.

Members of the Grace Lutheran congregation contribute new clothes, diapers and wipes for the mothers, as well.

On May 6, the knitters gathered for their annual Baby Shower event, where they presented everything they have made to Shore maternity department nurses.

Tables lined the room, stacked with delicate pink, blue, yellow, green, and white caps, blankets, booties, and sweaters.

Ada Egnor models one of the hand-knit caps

Shore Special Care Nursery Nurse Danielle Flukey said in a statement, “We appreciate that we can send each new baby home with something that has been made with so much love.”

At the event, Cross told a story about an encounter she had with a woman holding a baby wrapped in a very distinguishable blanket.

“She told me it was the only blanket she had for her young daughter and that it was given to her at Shore when her baby was born,” she said. “I knew it was one I had made and I was so happy to see it brought comfort to this young mother.”

Barbara Mueller of Somers Point said of being involved in the knitters group, “It is so relaxing to knit. I love that I can sit and my hands are busy, but it is a very automatic kind of action. I am working and creating something and yet the action of knitting has an almost Zen-like quality to it.”

Mina D’Agostino of Egg Harbor Township said she has been knitting her entire life.

“My mother taught me as a little girl and I have just always done it. I love to make beautiful things,” said D’Agostino as she held up a hand-knitted quilt made completely of leftover yarn.

Bettie Cross, seated, along with other members of the Grace Knitters and representatives of Shore Medical Center at the annual baby shower, including Kira Evans, Sarah Harrison, Danielle Flukey and Jackie Egnor.