Gov. Murphy Announces More Coronavirus Restrictions

Gov. Phil Murphy details plan to help fight coronavirus. (Photo courtesy

Following are the latest coronavirus restrictions announced by New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy:

New Jersey, New York and Connecticut will limit crowd capacity for recreational and social gatherings to 50 people — effective by 8 p.m. Monday night.

  • Restaurants and bars will close for on premise service and move to take-out and delivery only effective 8 p.m. Monday.
  • Movie theaters, gyms and casinos will temporarily close effective 8 p.m. Monday.
  • Uniform approach to social distancing will slow spread of COVID-19 throughout the tri-state area.

Gov. Phil Murphy along with New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont agreed to the regional approach to fight the novel coronavirus — or COVID-19 — throughout the tri-state area.

These uniform standards will limit crowd capacity for social and recreational gatherings to 50 people, effective 8 p.m. Monday.

This follows updated guidance that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued yesterday recommending the cancellation or postponement of in-person events consisting of 50 people or more.

The three governors also announced restaurants and bars will close for on-premise service and move to take-out and delivery services only.

These establishments will be provided a waiver for carry-out alcohol. These measures will take effect at 8 p.m. Monday night.

Finally, the three governors said they will temporarily close movie theaters, gyms and casinos, effective at 8 p.m. Monday.

This uniform approach to social distancing is meant to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19.

Governor Murphy said in the release, “With all we are seeing in our state – and across our nation and around the world – the time for us to take our strongest, and most direct, actions to date to slow the spread of coronavirus is now.”

Murphy continued, “I’ve said many times over the past several days that, in our state, we are going to get through this as one New Jersey family. But if we’re all in this together, we must work with our neighboring states to act together. The work against coronavirus isn’t just up to some of us, it’s up to all of us.”