Testa Says Switch Reflects Wake-up Call to Democrats

Senator Michael Testa, pictured with Cape GOP Chairman Marcus Karavan.

LD1 GOP Team and Cape GOP Chairman On Van Drew Party Switch

Senator Michael Testa, Jr., Assemblymen-Elect Erik Simonsen and Antwan McClellan, and Cape GOP Chairman Marcus Karavan issued the following statement on reports of Congressman Jeff Van Drew’s plans to join the Republican Party.

“Congressman Van Drew has been a moderate voice in the Democrat party for many years. His decision is further proof that the radical, leftist agenda that now guides the Democrats is completely out of touch with the values and concerns of the everyday Americans we serve,” Senator Testa (LD1) said. “This defection should be a wake up call for the Democratic Party. It’s time to get over your Trump derangement, get down to business, and focus on how we can help law-abiding, hardworking families in New Jersey, and across America.”

This past November, Testa overcame long odds to lead a GOP resurgence in LD1, flipping a New Jersey State Senate seat held by Van Drew and the Democrats for the past 12 years. Sen. Testa was also recently tapped to serve as the Trump 2020 Co-Chairman in New Jersey.

“Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats have been actively working to impeach our President from his first day in office. The needs of our South Jersey families have been sidelined and neglected. Instead we get a never-ending, wrong-headed quest to unseat a duly-elected President. I question how any sane Democrat could stay in today’s Democratic Party,” Assemblyman McClellan said.

“The Democratic Party has moved so far to the left, that even JFK would find no home there in 2019,” Assemblyman-Elect Simonsen said. “Sensible, lifelong Democrats, who love this country, can no longer abide the America bashing, anti-God and Country rhetoric of their own party. Congressman Van Drew’s decision to join the GOP should send a message to elected Democrats across America who are on fence over the impeachment vote. Reasonable Americans see this impeachment as a hyper-partisan farce and voters will make this known loud and clear at the polls in 2020.”

Both Sen. Testa (who Chairs the Cumberland County GOP) and Cape May County Republican         Chairman Marcus Karavan expressed respect for Van Drew and declared that they would look to President Trump for guidance as the expected party switch plays out in the coming days.

“Our county organizations’ relationship with Mr. Van Drew is long and complicated, to say the least,” Chairman Karavan said. “We have had our differences, but have also worked together many times, crossing the aisle for the better of our common constituents. Cape GOP strongly supports President Trump and will give all appropriate deference to the President’s ultimate position with regard to the Van Drew party change.”

“The eyes of the nation are on this story and it is important that our response and reaction to it, be measured, coordinated, unified and respectful.”Testa said. “After discussions with our municipal leaders and those in Washington , we have mutually agreed to follow President Donald J. Trump’s lead on this issue. We expect all County Committee members and local, elected Republicans will join us in this prudent position that embraces our President’s leadership, while respecting our bylaws and electoral process.”