Meals Provided to Students During School Closure

Freeholder candidate and City Councilman James Toto, at right, helps deliver school lunches in March. He is working with other leaders to obtain COVID-19 tests for municipal employees. (Photo courtesy of Somers Point)

The Somers Point School District, city officials, Mission Point Church, the city’s Office of Emergency Management and other community volunteers prepared and distributed meals to local students as part of a state-mandated order to provide meals for qualifying students during the coronavirus outbreak.

The district has 845 enrolled students with 66 percent who qualify for free and reduced meals. The district is providing five days of meals, including breakfast, lunch and snacks at the beginning of each week during the school closure.

Schools Superintendent Dr. Michelle CarneyRay-Yoder, along with school safety officers and other volunteers, have been assisting with the program.

“We are grateful for the community support and the assistance with providing meals to our children during this crisis,” Dr. CarneyRay-Yoder said in a press release.

Families of the students who qualify for assistance have been notified regarding meal pick-up locations throughout the city.

For more information, please contact Dr. CarneyRay-Yoder at 609-927-2053 ext. 3210 or