Auxiliary Donates $430,000 to Shore Medical Center

Auxiliary Chairman Brenda Martello, left, and Past Chairman Heidi Angelastro, right, present Shore President & CEO Ron Johnson, second from left, and CFO/CDO David Hughes with a check. (Photos Courtesy Shore Medical Center)

The Auxiliary of Shore Medical Center leadership presented Shore President & CEO Ron Johnson and CFO/CDO David Hughes with a check in the amount of $430,000 at a ceremony held Jan. 24 at Shore Medical Center in Somers Point.

The donation is the culmination of all of the Auxiliary’s fundraising efforts throughout 2018.

In addition to the check presentation, at the event the Auxiliary also inducted seven members to its Executive Board, welcoming Brenda Martello as the chairman; Heidi Angelastro, past chairman; Gloria McDermott, vice-chairman; Delores Dengler Vitas, treasurer; Debbie Miller, recording secretary; Lynn Brock, corresponding secretary; and Peggy Doyle, membership chairman.

Additionally, 27 members were recognized for their years of service, ranging from five to 35 years.

The Auxiliary of Shore Medical Center is Shore’s original fundraising organization made up of dedicated volunteers who work throughout the year on initiatives that include the hospital gift shop, thrift shops, golf tournaments and other community events. Since the Auxiliary’s inception in 1940, the Auxiliary has donated more than $15 million to Shore Medical Center.

The Auxiliary appointed new executive board members at the Jan. 24 event. Pictured left to right is Debbie Miller, recording secretary; Delores Dengler Vitas, Treasurer; Gloria McDermott, vice-chairman; Lynn Brock, corresponding secretary; Brenda Martello, chairman; Heidi Angelastro, past chairman; and Peggy Doyle, membership chairman.