Shore Medical Center Names Maternity Nurse Guardian Angel in October

Labor and delivery nurse, Ella Rapoport, is Shore's Guardian Angel for October. (Courtesy Shore Medical Center)

Shore Medical Center in Somers Point honored labor and delivery nurse Ella Rapoport, RN, of Atlantic City as its October 2018 Guardian Angel of the Month for providing passionate and exceptional care to Shore’s patients.

The Guardian Angel Program was established to enable members of the community to say thank you to a special Shore caregiver through a donation to the medical center.

Rapoport has only been with Shore since March 2018, but in that time she has proven to be a highly skilled and compassionate nurse and a welcome member to the maternity team.

Nicole DeCicco, RN, MSN, interim manager of the maternal child health unit, says Rapoport is a joy to work with.

“Ella always has a smile on her face. She’s a great team player and gives exceptional patient care,” DeCicco said. “Ella fits right in with our Shore family. I see nothing but great things for her future in women’s healthcare.”

Recently a family Rapoport cared for made a Grateful Patient donation in her honor, saying: “Ella was our nurse for the birth of our first child. She made our experience even more special with her care and professionalism.”

Outside of work, Rapoport is very active in the community, devoting much of her time as a volunteer. She is a doula and helps women with birth support even on her off hours, going so far as to travel to a birth center in Haiti.

She also started the Hebrew Community School in Margate and coordinates events for her synagogue, Chabad at the Shore, in Ventnor.

The Guardian Angel program recognizes anyone who works at Shore Medical Center and makes an impact and difference in care. Guardian Angels are recognized amongst their peers and are presented with a special Guardian Angel pin at Shore Medical Center’s annual pinning ceremony.

If you, a family member or friend would like to honor a Shore Medical Center Guardian Angel, contact the Shore Medical Center Foundation at 609-653-3800 or