7th Annual FORE! CONTACT Golf Tournament Sponsored by the Foster Karney Foundation

Members of the Heritage Links Golf Course Monday Night Ladies' League pose for a picture. They will be joining in CONTACT Cape-Atlantic's 7th Annual FORE! CONTACT Golf Tournament Sponsored by the Foster-Karney Foundation set for September 10. L-R: Cindy Petrella, Ginny Compton, Kim Austin, Martha Septynski, Anita Stenger, Victoria Keisker, Ann Magee (CONTACT Cape-Atlantic executive director), Jane Soreth (CONTACT Cape-Atlantic board member) and Judy Gollatz-Morgan.


What: 7th Annual FORE! CONTACT Golf Tournament

Where: Heritage Links Golf Club, 1375 Route 9, Ocean View, NJ 08230

When: Noon registration and 1:00 pm tee off, Sunday, September 10, 2017

Donation: $80 pp or $300 per foursome

Our 7th Annual FORE! CONTACT Golf Tournament Sponsored by the Foster-Karney Foundation begins with registration at Noon on September 10.  Tee off is 1 pm.  It is a scramble format to include snacks and beverages on the course, and a meal immediately following golf.  Awards will be presented to the top three foursomes and prizes for Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin.

Call (609) 823-1850 to register of if you would like to sponsors a hole ($100) or a cart ($25).

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