Author Gene Getz to Speak at Ocean City Tabernacle Aug. 20

Author Gene Getz

The Ocean City Tabernacle welcomes author Gene Getz to speak in the 8:30 a.m. traditional and 10:30 a.m. contemporary services on Sunday, Aug. 20.

Dr. Getz is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute, earned a BA from Rocky Mountain College, an MA from the Wheaton Graduate School and a Ph.D. from New York University. He has served as a professor at Moody Bible Institute and Dallas Theological Seminary.

After 20 years in the academic world, Getz became involved in church planting and, in 1972, launched the Fellowship Bible Church movement.

Today, some 30,000 people worship in approximately 12 churches in the Dallas area alone and hundreds of Fellowship churches throughout the United States trace their roots back to Getz’s church planting efforts. He now serves as president of the Center for Church Renewal.

Getz is also a prolific author, with most of his 60 books born out of his experience as a pastor. “The Measure of a Man” has become a classic and is used around the world for personal and group study.

In addition, he has completed a Men of Character Study Bible containing approximately 125 articles and profiles featuring men of the Bible.

The Ocean City Tabernacle also hosts Boardwalk Worship at the Music Pier on Sundays at 8 a.m., with music by Jane Zigner and a message by Rev. Terry Lothian.

For a complete schedule of speakers, concerts, programs and events at the Ocean City Tabernacle, visit The Tabernacle is located at 550 Wesley Ave. in Ocean City.