Free Medicare Education Presentation at Shore Medical Center

Shore Medical Center is located in Somers Point.
Shore Medical Center is located at 100 Medical Center Way, in Somers Point.

Hafetz and Associates will host a free Medicare presentation at Shore Medical Center on Oct. 19.

The event is scheduled from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Jenkins room.

Special guest Dr. John Kulin of Shore Urgent Care will present his perspectives on the benefits of Medicare, followed by Hafetz’ Medicare Consultant Amanda Reese, who will discuss the basic parts of Medicare and how and when to enroll.

Registration is not required but is suggested. Walk-ins are welcome.

To RSVP, call Amanda at 609-732-0601 or email at

Hafetz offers a variety of health and dental insurance products and services for both groups and individuals making the switch to Medicare.

For more information about Hafetz and Associates, visit or call 609-872-0001.