MedComp Sciences: What Are Scientists Learning About Epigenetics Today?

Medcomp Sciences

MedComp Sciences is a genetic research lab that delivers testing and analysis services to healthcare providers. MedComp notes that when cancer research has breakthroughs, we all see the headlines. But what about epigenetics? Scientists who work in this less-reported yet fascinating field are currently collecting research that’s expanding our knowledge of how genetics work.

Studies in The Kingdom of Morocco, Barcelona, and the United States of America are proving that this field is worthy of front-page press coverage. MedComp Sciences provides the following so you can learn more about current epigenetic happenings.

Apabetalone Clinical Trials in Morocco and Canada

The Kingdom of Morocco and Resverlogix Corp. have announced that they are actively in discussions to begin trials on a new drug called apabetalone, an epigenetic gene-regulating medicine. Apabetalone is groundbreaking because it targets disease-causing biological processes and illnesses like atherosclerosis and associated cardiovascular disease.

MedComp Sciences says that Apabetalone is gaining attention for two recent studies that involve the drug. The apabetalone drug trials that are currently taking place in Canada are measuring its effects on Covid-19. So far, the trial has shown that not only is the drug helping patients recover from Covid-19 more quickly, but it has also reduced the long-term effects of COVID-19.

Apabetalone also just received therapy designation by the US Food and Drug Administration regarding cardiovascular disease. This follows the findings of the BETonMACE study, which showed that taking apabetalone may prevent cardiac events for high-risk cardiovascular disease patients, including those that also have type two diabetes.

Regardless of these promising studies, MedComp Sciences says the drug is still being administered in a trial phase and there is no indication of when it might be administered to the public. However, both Morocco and Resverlogix Corp. are hopeful that this will lead to a new way to treat many chronic diseases, not just COVID-19.

Epigenetics Study Receives Grant at The University of Santa Cruz

Biologist Upasna Sharma recently received a 1.18 Million US dollar grant from The Templeton Foundation. This grant was awarded to Sharma so that she could continue her research on transgenerational epigenetic inheritance, according to MedComp Sciences.

This phenomenon shows how a father’s lifestyle or experiences can affect the development of his offspring. However, Sharma’s study specifically focuses on how epigenetic changes of the father can be transmitted to the offspring via sperm.

Additionally, this study will determine whether all of the father’s sperm is affected by this epigenetic change or only a select group of them.

Medcomp Sciences

The Barcelona Institute For Global Health Study

As of August 2021, The Barcelona Institute for Global Health recently finished a study regarding the effects of tobacco smoke exposure on children between the ages of six and eleven. MedComp Sciences relates that this study involved children in six different European countries and was coordinated by researcher Martine Vrijheid.

The purpose of this study was to determine whether tobacco smoke affected the epigenetic clock of the children who inhaled it. In addition, it also reviewed whether this inhalation period could affect the children’s health status later on in life.

This study found that tobacco smoke did indeed speed up the epigenetic clock of these children. Additionally, it found that it could also hurt their health due to possible inflammation, modifications in cell cycles, and toxic elimination.

Fox Chase Cancer Center Research in Pennsylvania

MedComp Sciences reports that The Fox Chase Cancer Center announced in the spring of 2022 that they will open a cancer epigenetic research institute known as the Cancer Epigenetics Institute, or CEI for short.

The Cancer Epigenetics Institute plans to promote discoveries in the epigenetic field specifically. Their mission is to find better ways to treat cancer and learn how to catch it earlier. However, researchers will be most focused on how DNA modification, without change in a DNA sequence, could be a great tool for cancer patients in the future.

CEI also plans to be involved in education and will offer the new generation of scientists classes on epigenetics and cancer research to both college and high school students. They plan to make participation possible to students interested in a career in epigenetic in addition to helping them network within the scientific community.

CEI will even offer community outreach programs that bring awareness to the epigenetic field. One of the ways they plan to do this is by holding symposiums, which have been a very effective and successful means of bringing awareness to the community thus far.

Overall, the developers behind The Cancer Epigenetics Institute hope that the research center gives more to the community than just providing research findings. The center will prioritize being an active leader in Philadelphia through community outreach and inclusion initiatives.

MedComp Sciences and Continued Research

MedComp Sciences reports that with new research on substance’s effect on genetics, trials for COVID-19 and cancer treatment, and new epigenetic facilities to debut this coming year, there’s no shortage of groundbreaking epigenetic projects worldwide. However, the four stories we mentioned above might be the most promising.

We expect to see an update in this field as Martine Vrijheid and Upasna Sharma continue their research, the CEI center opens, and apabetalone receives a full review by the FDA.