Republicans Win in Countywide Sweep

Winning Republicans Don Guardian, Claire Swift and Vince Polistina.


Republican candidates for state and county offices swept the Nov. 2 election with wins in the New Jersey Senate and Assembly, Atlantic County Commission and County Clerk races.

Although there are still some provisional and mail-in ballots that need to be counted in Atlantic County, Republican candidates garnered more votes than Democrat incumbents.

“Don, Claire and I are overwhelmed by the amount of support we have received from every corner of the district,” Republican Senate candidate Vince Polistina said in a statement about his Assembly running mates, Don Guardian and Claire Swift.

“The polls and pundits might have counted us out, but we zeroed in on winning the most important endorsement of all, from the people of Atlantic County,” Polistina added.

In the Somers Point City Council race, Republican incumbents Janice Johnston and Howard Dill both won re-election. Dill ran unopposed, while Johnston defeated Democratic challenger Lisa Bender.

The unofficial results as of 10 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 3 for countywide races are:

State Senate

Vince Polistina (R)           30,312

Vince Mazzeo (D)            27,740


Claire Swift (R)                 30,626

Don Guardian (R)            30,414

John Armato (D)              26,702

Caren Fitzpatrick (D)       25,750

County Clerk

Joe Giralo (R)                   41,914

Lisa Jiampetti (D)            33,331

County Commissioner at large

Frank Balles (R)                44,421

Celeste Fernandez (D)    31,147

County Commissioner District 2

Maureen Kern (R)           10,284

Jelani Gandy (D)               7,212

Polistina, who previously served as a New Jersey Assemblyman, said the Republican team is looking forward to serving the district “and ushering in much needed change in Trenton.”

“I am honored to receive the full faith and trust of the people of Atlantic County,” former Atlantic City Mayor Guardian said. “It’s been 15 years since Trenton has heard a united voice speaking out from our corner of the state. Working as a team with Vince and Claire, we will fight for all of what South Jersey deserves and always put Atlantic County first.”

Swift, an attorney who lives in Margate said, “…our team worked hard on the campaign trail and focused in on a singular, positive message – bringing commonsense solutions to Trenton and keeping costs affordable for all South Jersey’s families. This will be our mission working for you.”

Caren Fitzpatrick, one of two Democrats currently serving on the County Board of Commissioners, thanked supporters.

“Thanks everyone, for your support. It didn’t go our way, but the work continues,” she said on her Facebook page.

Democrat Jelani Gandy, a newcomer to politics, also took to his Facebook page to thank voters for their support.

“The numbers were not in our favor, but the message stays the same; Atlantic County has the potential to be so much better and I will still be here to be active in our community and work to see a brighter future in Atlantic County,” he said.