Shore Selects Guardian Angel of the Month

Ryan Sherwood, of Somers Point, is recognized for his patient care. (Photo courtesy of Shore Medical Center)

Shore Medical Center is proud to recognize nurse Ryan Sherwood as its August Guardian Angel of the Month for providing passionate and exceptional care to Shore’s patients.

The Guardian Angel program was established to enable community members to say “thank you” to a special Shore caregiver through a donation to the medical center in their honor.

Sherwood began his career at Shore as an orderly in 2005. He became a member of the 5 Hayes unit team when he was hired as a new graduate nurse in September 2017.

“Ryan is a dedicated team player,” said 5 Hayes Nurse Manager Kelly Duma. “Hardworking and honest, he is 100 percent a patient advocate. He will often be assigned our most complex patients as Ryan can always manage well.”

Calling him kind, loyal, funny and focused, Duma added that Sherwood always steps up to assist the unit whenever there is a staffing need.

One grateful patient honored him with a Guardian Angel recognition and wrote, “All of my nurses were great that cared for me, but special guardian angel wings go out to Ryan for going above and beyond in his patient-centered care.”

Sherwood lives in Somers Point with his wife and three children and enjoys playing the guitar and the piano.

Through Shore Medical Center’s Guardian Angel program, patients and families can recognize anyone who works at Shore Medical Center and makes a difference in their care or experience. Guardian Angels are recognized among their peers and are presented with a Guardian Angel pin at Shore Medical Center’s annual pinning ceremony.

To honor a Shore Medical Center Guardian Angel, please contact the Shore Medical Center Planned Giving and Development Department at 609-653-3800 or