Seniors Asked to Participate in Survey

John Zaccardi drives the Margate senior citizen bus.

Atlantic County residents, 60 years of age or older, are invited to participate in a brief confidential online needs assessment survey. The survey will assist the Atlantic County Area Agency on Aging in setting funding priorities for 2022-2024.

The AAA supports a wide variety of community-based services to assist older adult residents age in-place and maintain their quality of life.

The survey, conducted by the Stockton Center on Successful Aging and the Stockton Polling Institute in the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy, is available online through May 21.

Residents who already responded to the telephone poll should not take the survey. The link to the survey is Online Survey Software | Qualtrics Survey Solutions.

For more information on the Area Agency on Aging and its services call 888-426-9243 or visit For more information about the survey or about SCOSA, e-mail or call 609-652-4311.