AC Electric Provides Support to Families in Need of Energy Assistance

Atlantic City Electric urges residents to check out ways to get help paying their energy bills.

Continuing its support for customers affected by the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Atlantic City Electric has provided $100,000 to NJ SHARES to help support customers who are struggling to meet their energy needs.

The donation will fund grants up to $700 for Atlantic City Electric customers who meet the agency’s income criteria.

The contribution to NJ SHARES is funded by supporters of Atlantic City Electric’s annual Golf Classic and is matched by a donation from the company’s charitable foundation. The donation builds on Atlantic City Electric’s comprehensive response to the pandemic, which includes more than $250,000 in support to southern New Jersey relief efforts, according to a press release.

“We are looking for every opportunity to support and strengthen communities across southern New Jersey,” Atlantic City Electric Region President Gary Stockbridge said in the release.

He continued, “We understand some customers are facing challenges paying their energy bill and we know the relief and support energy assistance can provide during a time like this.”

NJ SHARES provides help and referral for essential services to those in need of assistance across the state. It serves as a unique safety net for households that face an emergency or crisis but have income that exceeds guidelines for other sources of federal or state assistance.

“In these uncertain, unstable times, it is critically important that individuals and families experiencing financial difficulties throughout New Jersey have the appropriate resources to turn to for relief,” said Cheryl B. Stowell, CEO of New Jersey SHARES Inc.

Customers in need of energy assistance should contact NJ SHARES at 866-657-4273 or visit to see if they meet the qualifications. For more information on NJ SHARES and other energy assistance programs, visit

NJ SHARES applicants must:

Reside in New Jersey and have a residential account only.

Be experiencing a temporary financial crisis, such as a job loss or illness.

Have a past due balance on their energy bill.

Have income over the limit for federal or state support programs, such as the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program or Universal Service Fund.

Have income that does not exceed 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.

Have made a good faith payment of at least $100 within 90 days of applying for NJ SHARES.

2020 NJ SHARES Monthly Income Criteria:

Household Size      Monthly Income

1        $4,253

2        $5,747

3        $7,240

4        $8,733

5        $10,227

Atlantic City Electric customers who want to help community members in need of assistance can do so through the Good Neighbor Energy Fund, which also supports NJ Shares.

Simply pay exactly $1 over your Atlantic City Electric bill amount and that dollar will be contributed to NJ SHARES.

Atlantic City Electric matches this donation dollar-for-dollar up to $20,000.

Donations can also be made directly to New Jersey SHARES by visiting