Somers Point Man Thanks EMTs Who Saved His Life

Ronald Kollman Sr., center, with EMTs Sandy Mallette and Kyle Osiecki.


Ron Kollman decided to stop at the Winslow Township Emergency Medical Services on a chance Monday.

That’s when the Somers Point man finally got a chance to thank the pair of first-responders who saved his life seven months ago.

He was on his way to his doctor at Rothman in Cherry Hill on March 18, when he suddenly felt like his car “was being vacuumed off the road.”

He doesn’t remember seeing the box truck that he wound up trapped under on the right side. But he always remembered the look on his son’s face when he came to.

Sgt. Ben Kollman is a crash investigator for the Egg Harbor Township Police Department.

“This is a death accident,” the son would later tell his father. “People don’t walk away from this accident.”

But thanks to the lifesaving action of EMTs Kyle Osiecki and Sandy Mallette, Ron Kollman did walk away.

Well, not quite walk.

The day of the crash, Kollman had been on his way to see the spinal surgeon.

The crash crushed his ankle, lower leg, pelvis and hip, causing concerns with the healing.

He was actually on his way home from that same surgeon Monday, when he passed by Winslow EMS.

“I asked this guy in the parking lot if he worked on March 18,” Kollman said.

Osiecki remembered the crash, and told Kollman that Mallette was inside.

There were lots of hugs and emotions, Kollman said.

He then shared a picture of the meeting on his Facebook page.

“Today, I had the pleasure of thanking two of my heroes who saved my life,” he wrote of the near-fatal crash.

“Sandy and Kyle of the Winslow Township Emergency Medical Services crawled through a mess of mangled auto parts and lots of blood in order to work on my injuries and free me from my vehicle,” Kollman wrote. “They were laser focused on saving my life even if it meant putting themselves at risk.”

The road has been rough, he acknowledged. He has been under the care of Cooper University Hospital surgeons and still may have some additional repairs, he told BreakingAC.

“I have quite a ways to go in my recovery,” he said. “Still, I’m still here, and things could have been a lot worse.”

Kollman said the pair of EMTs were glad to see he did not lose his leg or foot, “and that I’m walking around OK now.”

“Ron, it was great to see you when you stopped by to say thank you,” Osiecki wrote on the post. “Best part was that you got the treatment and (are) up and walking around. Thank you for the kind words to me and my partner that day. Again we are glad that you’re up walking around and still here for your family.”

Kollman said his wife called trying to see about gifts for the pair that helped save her husband’s life, but were told they could not accept.

He hopes at least public recognition will give them the kudos they deserve.

“If I can’t gift them, having their friends, neighbors and peers patting them on the back is the next best thing,” he said. “I think of those EMTs every time I take a step.”