County Collects 3,000 Pounds of Unwanted Medications


Join Together Atlantic County, a substance misuse prevention coalition, announced that agency partners collected and destroyed 3,055 pounds of expired or unwanted medications last year.

The organization distributes drop boxes in Atlantic County municipalities, where residents can deposit their no longer wanted medications safely. The program aims to reduce substance misuse in the community.

Permanent drop boxes are located near the Tax Office at Ventnor City Hall, the Margate and Longport Police departments, and at other police departments throughout Atlantic County.

According to a news release, the drug misuse awareness campaign and the drop boxes are essential in furthering JTAC’s mission to reduce substance misuse among young people and adults.

According to the N.J. Department of Law and Public Safety, there were 145,250 opioid prescriptions written in Atlantic County last year. Nearly 57 percent of young adults who misuse prescription opioids reported getting the drugs free from friends and relatives.

Proper storage, inventory and disposal of prescription medications are crucial in keeping them from being taken by youths and adults.

JTAC also distributes free Deterra drug disposal bags available to the public.

For more information, see or call 609-272-0101, ext. 22.