Dress Collection Begins for Project Prom

Rene Kane displays a dress donated for the Project Prom AC project.

Project Prom 2024 has started collecting donations of gently used prom dresses that will be distributed to young women at no cost just in time for prom season.

Dresses will be accepted through Feb. 24 at the following locations:
  • JCC Margate, 501 N. Jerome Ave., Margate
  • Berkshire Hathaway, 9218 Ventnor Ave., Margate
  • Esthetica Salon, 1205 Tilton Rd., Northfield
Please make sure they are prom appropriate, lightly worn and have no stains or damages.
For further information, contact Rene Kane at 609-703-8582 or see ProjectPromAC on Facebook and Instagram.