Michael Niemczyk and Associates on Navigating Market Volatility

Michael Niemczyk and Associates

Michael Niemczyk and Associates, for over 25 years, have been consulting Investment Advisors, Tax Planners, and Estate Planning Attorneys. Together, they craft and oversee retirement plans for individuals, families, and corporations. Michael Niemczyk is also an author, who has been instrumental in training over 2000 Advisors, sharing his financial insights on various radio stations. His expertise has been featured in publications like Financial Advisor Magazine and recognized by the Northwestern University School of Journalism and Wall Street Select. In the following article, Michael Niemczyk and Associates discuss navigating a violate market in uncertain economic times.

People think investors live carefree lives as they don’t have to do much besides waiting for their financial returns. However, investing involves a lot of strategizing – especially when the market is constantly shifting.

But how do successful investors really manage their assets when the market is volatile?
In this article, Michael Niemczyk discusses investment tips and ways to adapt during times of uncertainty in the market.

Michael Niemczyk and Associates Explain Strategizing as an Investor

An industry can be successful one moment and fail the next. But if an entrepreneur invests some of their finances in an unstable sector, they must consider the following:

Portfolio Diversification

Diversifying portfolios is the most essential strategy to consider when investing – spreading out the investments in multiple areas reduces financial risks. Because if one market goes down, the other finances are safe in a more stable market.

However, if all the investments are in one market – and it crashes – all the investments there, too, will suffer.

But how else can investors protect their invested funds?

Selling Some of the Shares

If the volatility is already evident, consider selling some of the shares. This way, if the market becomes unstable, investors can sell some of their stocks and bonds before the prices drop significantly.

Michael Niemczyk and Associates explain, don’t sell everything – because the market can become stable again.

Furthermore, investors can get an idea of the industries’ status by monitoring them at the Volatile Index (VIX).

Monitoring The VIX Regularly

Investors typically monitor the Volatility Index to see which markets are currently successful and which ones are at the bottom. Because of the VIX, investors can check if the market they invested in will profit – and whether the investors’ finances are growing or not.

Still, even if investors do all these steps, many will remain worried about their finances.
Michael Niemczyk asks, what else can they do then?

Rationality Amid the Market Volatility

Michael Niemczyk and Associates says that worry, fear, and – sometimes – panic are natural emotions anyone can feel, including investors.

Perhaps even more so, as they entrusted a huge amount of their funds in an ever-changing market. But to prevent making irrational decisions, investors must:

Michael NiemczykStaying Calm and Analytical

As long as an investor takes the listed measures, there’s no need to worry too much.
Let’s say the market does go down. An investor’s first thought will be to pull out their shares and stocks before they lose them. But what happens if it turns into a “bull market?”

What Is a Bull Market?

According to Forbes, it’s the” extended period of time when stock prices rise,” they added that it’s a time when “investors are optimistic.”

Furthermore, investors can clear their minds by remembering their goals.

Sticking to the Plan

Every entrepreneur has an investor profile. Do they invest in stocks, derivatives, or short selling?

Michael Niemczyk and Associates note that whichever it is, they must stick to it because that’s where they already do well. And just because their investment style doesn’t seem to be profitable for the time being, that doesn’t mean they should branch out and invest in unfamiliar territory.

However, there’s nothing wrong with switching investment styles – just make sure not to be risky for now until the market is already a familiar one and the processes of the investment style seem smooth sailing.

For now, however, just be patient because it’s the market that’s volatile. Beyond the investor taking the proper steps, there’s nothing else they can do but wait for the market to be stable again.

Michael Niemczyk says that moreover, investors can analyze the status of the market calmly – and internalize their situation and profession as an entrepreneur.

Being Realistic

Every investor must accept the reality that market volatility is part of the factors they must consider. Investing is an excellent decision as financial growth awaits entrepreneurs. But it also comes with risks.

If an investor is experiencing financial loss, know that other investors have experienced the same. But it shouldn’t discourage anyone from being an entrepreneur.

Michael Niemczyk explains that as long as they make the right decisions and disregard their emotions temporarily, they can analyze and properly strategize what they will do with their investments in times of market uncertainty.


Investors enjoy the financial success their profession provides them. However, in times of market volatility, they must also prepare, organize, and strategize where their funds will go – so they can ensure that they’ll grow in the future with minimal – to no – profit losses.

Michael Niemczyk notes however, not all of them profit from the market they invested in 100% of the time. But when such instances occur, investors take it in stride and accept that it’s the reality of being an investor – a mindset we can all adapt.