Freedom Church of Gallatin, TN Discusses Having Faith in the Future

freedom church gallatin tn

Freedom Church of Gallatin, TN has long been an inspiration for Christian men and women, founded by Pastor Terrell Somerville in 2002. In the following article, Freedom Church of Gallatin explains the significance of kindness in Christianity, and how it can provide a better tomorrow.

The future’s uncertainty can sometimes be scary. However, no one should doubt what the future has in store – as the Lord has a plan for everyone.

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

But as relieving it is to know that the Lord will not forsake mankind, how can individuals feel more at ease about the blessings that await them?

Freedom Church of Gallatin, TN explains why it’s significant to treat people with compassion just as the Lord asked – and how kindness to one another is the ultimate expression of love for Him.

Freedom Church Says Kindness and Christianity are Synonymous

All humans are made to love and be loved. That’s why the devil always tempts people with pure hearts, souls, and intentions. It’s also why it’s sometimes easier to develop hatred, mistrust, and detachment from the ones who need compassion the most.

However, when faced with a choice between love and hate, always choose the more difficult one: to love, despite having every reason not to.


Christ Is in All of Us

In Colossians 1:27, Apostle Paul told the Gentiles, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Because anyone who has been forgiven of their sins and received Jesus Christ as their Lord and practices His teachings can be hopeful that eternal life awaits. But to be granted that, one must choose to be compassionate despite adversities Freedom Church of Gallatin, TN.

  • Going through a breakup?
  • Recently fell victim to a pickpocket?
  • Offended by a loved one?

Retaliating can only make everyone involved feel much worse than they already do, even the person on the receiving end of the world’s unfairness and injustice.

Freedom Church of Gallatin, TN says instead, choose the high road and forgive – as Jesus Christ wants everyone to love themselves just as much as He loves every one of them. But if sinners deserve compassion and forgiveness, so, too, do the ones in doubt of Christ’s love for them.

Love Provides Hope

Simple acts of kindness can move mountains.

Freedom Church of Gallatin remarks that elderly lady who uttered the warmest “good morning” back? She could be bearing intense knee pain before being greeted.

The food delivery guy? That simple “thank you” may have meant more to him than the tip.

And mom and dad who were on Facetime last night? They were probably looking through family photos before the call – because they miss how life was when everyone was still together under one roof.

However, sometimes, those who feel lost could use a little inspiration through Christ’s teachings.

  • They probably don’t know that Jesus loves them and has plans for them.
  • They could have been recently diagnosed with an illness and were questioning their faith.
  • Or they probably just needed the manifestation of Christ’s love through others.

Once they realize that they’re not alone, and Jesus is with them – in themselves and others – he or she can pay the kindness they received forward.

Compassionate Individuals Make the World a Better Place

Freedom Church of Gallatin notes that the Lord spread His word through His disciples. And even though there were few of them then, Christ’s love was eventually felt by everyone. Similarly, acts of kindness and love can be spread by people who receive it – and are willing to provide it to others.

The person who was given a seat on the bus probably felt inspired to do the same.

The Uber driver who was given a generous tip probably wanted to pay it forward and shared some of the money with a homeless person who hadn’t eaten in a day.

Or a man who was told that his running shoes looked cool probably felt motivated to run further – where he eventually encountered an individual who was about to jump off a bridge.

Freedom Church of Gallatin, TN explains that compassion can work in miraculous ways – it can change people’s lives.

And if everyone does the same for other people they encounter, it can provide a brighter future.


In a world where people are recuperating from a pandemic, politics are dividing the world more than ever, and technology seems to be distancing generations further, compassion is more paramount than ever.

Kindness helps heal people’s broken hearts and hurting souls – both the one giving and receiving it.