ACUA Urges Residents to Take “Fall Litter Challenge”

Are you ready to take the "Litter Challenge?" (Photo courtesy of

The Atlantic County Clean Communities Program administered by the Atlantic County Utilities Authority has announced its 2023 Fall Litter Challenge.

The challenge invites groups of Atlantic County residents to clear litter from roads, parks, or other public areas Oct. 1-14. The group that collects the most litter will take home rewards of $500 for first place, $300 for second place and $100 for third place. A $100 prize will also be awarded to the group with the strangest litter find.

“The challenge provides an opportunity for residents to join us in our mission to remove litter from Atlantic County neighborhoods,” Atlantic County Clean Communities Coordinator Rebecca Turygan said. “Whether you’re an established Adopt-a-Road group, civic club, or just a group of friends, we invite you to participate.”

Volunteers are invited to create a team (limited to 15 people or less) to remove litter from public areas throughout the two-week period. Teams must report each cleanup, including the number of bags collected and pictures to verify, through an online form at Safety gear and supplies can be provided by ACUA before the challenge begins.

Since ACUA began administering the program in 2005, more than 60 percent of Atlantic County roadways have been adopted. So far in 2023, 190 cleanups have been held, 511 bags of trash and 356 bags of recycling have been removed from local roadways, and 230 miles were cleaned.

To learn more about the litter challenge, visit