Port Republic Bridge Scheduled to Reopen

Port Republic Bridge under construction in 2022. (Courtesy of Southern Jersey Drone on YouTube)

Atlantic County Executive Dennis Levinson announced that on or about Friday, Sept. 29, the Port Republic Bridge carrying traffic over the Nacote Creek on Old New York Road will reopen to traffic.

The reopening follows the county’s $12.5 million full replacement of the bridge and roadway improvements to the nearby intersection.

The project is substantially completed, but intermittent lane closures may occur as construction operations are finalized.

“We are pleased to complete the replacement of this bridge that is integral to the residents of Port Republic and visitors to this exceptional community that was recently recognized as the best Jersey shore town,” Levinson said in a news release.

The new bridge maintains the original alignment and incorporates additional shoulder widths of 5 feet for a total roadway width of 34 feet. It also includes a sidewalk on the southbound side of the bridge.

A reconfiguration of the Pitney Road, Riverside Drive and Old New York Road intersection was constructed as part of the project to address safety and traffic flow.