West Nile Virus in More Mosquito Samples

Mosquitoes carry the West Nile virus and other diseases.

Mosquito samples collected on August 15 from Head of the River Road in Corbin City and the intersection of West Faunce Landing Road and Sycamore Street in Absecon have been confirmed for West Nile virus.

County public health and mosquito control officials are conducting mosquito surveillance and implementing additional control measures.

West Nile virus was previously confirmed in mosquito samples collected in Northfield, Egg Harbor City and Absecon. There are no reported human cases of the virus at this time, according to county health officials.

West Nile virus is carried by infected mosquitoes and can be transmitted to birds, animals and humans. West Nile virus can cause serious illness, even death. Health officials encourage residents to reduce their risk and the spread of West Nile virus by reducing exposure to mosquitoes by following these tips:

* Use an insect repellent whenever going outdoors. Repellents are an important tool to assist people in protecting themselves from mosquito-borne diseases. The Centers for Disease Control recommends the use of products containing active ingredients that have been registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for use as repellents applied to skin and clothing and approved for efficacy and human safety when applied as directed. Be sure to follow product directions carefully and consult with your child’s doctor prior to using on children.

Rid properties of mosquito breeding grounds by draining standing water.
Mosquitoes do not travel far from where they breed. Buckets, bird baths, flower pots and other containers can hold water and provide an ideal environment for mosquitoes. Be sure to empty these containers regularly.

Clean clogged gutters; check and repair screen doors; cut high grass around yard

For more information about West Nile virus, visit the Atlantic County Web site at: www.aclink.org/publichealth or call the Division of Public Health at (609) 645-5971. If you need assistance in removing stagnant puddles or floodwater from your property, call the Office of Mosquito Control at (609) 645-5948.