Author, Songwriter Laura Story to Speak at Ocean City Tabernacle

Laura Story (Photo courtesy of Laura Story Facebook page)

The Ocean City Tabernacle welcomes author and songwriter Laura Story to speak at the 8:30 a.m. traditional and 10:30 a.m. contemporary services on Sunday, Aug. 27.

This marks her first visit at the Tabernacle as a Sunday morning speaker after several concert appearances.

“I gave up my pursuit of normal a long time ago,” writes the worship leader and Christian recording artist in her new book, “So Long, Normal: Living and Loving the Free Fall of Faith.”

She continues, “Surprisingly, I can say this without shame or regret. Not that normal is bad, but why should you or I settle for normal when we’ve been created for something far greater?”

This is the foundational question that Story – who has written Grammy and Dove award-winning songs such as “Blessings,” “O Love of God,” and Chris Tomlin’s “Indescribable” – winsomely and transparently explores in “So Long, Normal,” her third book and a follow-up to her recent popular titles, “When God Doesn’t Fix It” and “I Give Up.”

The Ocean City Tabernacle also hosts Boardwalk Worship at the Music Pier on Sundays at 8 a.m., with music by Jane Zigner and a message by Rev. Terry Lothian.

For a complete schedule of speakers, concerts, programs and events at the Ocean City Tabernacle, visit The Tabernacle is located at 550 Wesley Ave. in Ocean City.