Atlantic County “Anchors for Equity” Kickoff Aug. 22


Atlantic County anchor institutions will join the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia in hosting a kickoff event for the Atlantic County Anchors for Equity program that strives to sustain jobs, drive economic growth and support equitable regional development.

Anchor institutions include healthcare providers, educational institutions, local governments and more that have a vested interest in making their communities healthy and safe and contributing to the regional economy.

The kickoff will be held on Aug. 22, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Stockton University, 3711 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City. There is no fee to attend, but participants must register in advance at:

The event will include a discussion of workforce issues and what the community needs to address them.

Participants will help create a shared fact base around the regional workforce with data provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, including demographic conditions and future trends.

Members of the community who would like to provide input and suggestions are encouraged to attend.

Sponsors include the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Atlantic County government, the Atlantic County Workforce Development Board, the Atlantic County Economic Alliance, Stockton University, Atlantic Cape Community College, AtlantiCare, Shore Medical Center and the Greater Atlantic City Chamber.