Protect Yourself Against Heat-Related Illness


Given that July and August are typically the hottest and most humid months of the year in New Jersey, Atlantic County health officials are reminding residents to take precautions to avoid heat-related illness.

Heat-related illness, also known as hyperthermia, is a condition that results from exposure to extreme heat where the body becomes unable to properly cool causing a rapid rise in body temperature, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

People suffering heatstroke can go from appearing normal to extremely ill in a matter of minutes.

Victims may have hot, dry skin, an absence of sweat, and a rapid strong pulse.  They may become delirious or unconscious. People suffering from heatstroke need immediate medical attention, including aggressive fluid replacement and cooling of core body temperature.

Those most at risk for heat-related illness include sensitive populations such as the elderly, infants and young children; outdoor laborers; people who are overweight; people with mental illness; people suffering from asthma, heart disease or other lung diseases.

Pets are also susceptible to the effects of heat.

One of the most important steps people can take to guard against heat-related illness is to drink plenty of fluids, even if not feeling thirsty, and avoid caffeinated beverages and alcohol as they can contribute to dehydration.

Spending a few hours a day in an air-conditioned place may also help individuals, particularly those most vulnerable, to cope with hot, humid weather.

Other advice for avoiding heat-related illness:

  • Check on elderly relatives and neighbors to see if they need help taking proper heat precautions or if they need medical attention as a result of the heat.
  • Take care not to overdress children and to give them plenty of liquids to drink. Children under age five are especially sensitive to the effects of the heat.
  • Don’t leave children or pets in enclosed cars, as temperatures can quickly climb to dangerous levels.
  • If possible, reduce physical activity or schedule it for the cooler parts of the day.
  • Wear loose and light-colored clothing.
  • Check with your health provider before taking salt tablets. Salt supplements are not necessary for the general public, although those who regularly work under very hot conditions may need them.
  • Talk to your health provider about any medicine or drugs you are taking. Certain medications, such as tranquilizers and drugs used to treat Parkinson’s disease, can increase the risk of heat-related illness.
  • Make sure pets have plenty of water and if left outside, plenty of shade. Please keep in mind a tree providing shade for your pet in the morning may not offer the same shade coverage in the afternoon.

For further information on heat-related illness, visit the Atlantic County website at or call the Division of Public Health at (609) 645-5935.