RNS Cancer & Heart Fund to Host “Bag Ladies Luncheon” July 19

The luncheon is at Greate Bay Country Club in Somers Point. (Photo provided)

The Ruth Newman Shapiro Cancer and Heart Fund will host its annual “Bag Ladies Luncheon” from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, July 19, at Greate Bay Country Club, 201 Mays Landing Road in Somers Point.

Tickets are $60 per person through July 12, $65 after July 13. Reservations can be made by calling Renee Wolf at 609-923-6371.

The event is the main fundraiser for the organization that supports AtlantiCare and Cape Regional medical and cancer centers, the Cancer Support Center of NJ at Gilda’s Club, RNS “Noogieland” Children’s Facility at CSC of NJ, and Shore Medical Center, among others.

Among the activities, the luncheon includes a silent auction of new and gently used handbags.

RNS Cancer & Heart Fund was founded in 1961 by Rose Newman to honor of her daughter Ruth Newman Shapiro, who died of cancer in her mid-30s. RNS works to plant the seeds of hope for everyone who needs it, now and for generations to come.

For more information, contact Pat McLaughlin at 609-822-7047 or patmc22@comcast.net