Danielle Herschitz Discusses Youth Empowerment

Danielle Herschitz

Danielle Herschitz works as a team leader at a Jewish youth and teen organization that participates in charity events and fundraisers. In the following article, Danielle Herschitz discusses how getting involved with charitable organizations can help young people unlock their true potential.

Charity is one of the many blessings of the modern world. Organizations help not only those they set out to aid, but those who volunteer their time to accomplish a goal together. This is especially true when it comes to the younger demographic.

Danielle Herschitz explains that the youth of today can be greatly benefitted by getting involved in charities. Not only can they assist their families and communities, but they can be given a sense of purpose which, in turn, leads to confidence. In addition to this strength of character, being empowered by charities can contribute to academic goals and a bright future.

Below, Danielle Herschitz reviews five ways charities can help young people achieve their potential. By the conclusion it should be clear that volunteering can greatly aid not only those that the organization aims to help, but those who get involved in the cause, as well.

Unlocking Potential

Danielle Herschitz details below some of the ways that charities are helping the younger generation achieve new levels of self-worth, spilling over into other areas of life.

  1. Reach New Levels of Empathy
  2. Raise Self-Esteem
  3. Establish Skills for Lifelong Leadership
  4. Work Toward Academic and Workplace Goals
  5. Learn to Be More Generous

More on these paths to empowerment below:

1. Reach New Levels of Empathy

Danielle Herschitz says that in today’s society, social media helps us connect to one another more easily. However, our younger demographic of citizens is often in danger of only seeing a filtered life when they consider their peers. Often, they are even prone to focusing more on their own situation than they would in previous generations.

However, contributing to, or even being affected by, a youth charity can help a young person to open their eyes to other ways of life. Seeing that not everyone has the same circumstances in which to grow or seize opportunities can lead to higher levels of empathy that can affect a young person’s whole outlook on life, explains Danielle Herschitz.

2. Raise Self-Esteem

In addition to having greater empathy for their fellow man, the youth of today can find themselves feeling a greater sense of worth when they help others. Finding that other people are dependent on them can awaken youngsters to a new sense of responsibility.

Danielle Herschitz says that when those responsibilities, often coming with their own challenges, are taken up and conquered with tangible results, a young person can be justified in feeling good and purposeful when they consider themselves.

3. Establish Skills For Lifelong Leadership

Many charities offer the opportunity for young people to either learn or discover skills they did not know they were capable of, having no outlet for using them before. Add to this the boost of using those skills for others, and a young person can cultivate a sense of purpose and leadership.

Danielle Herschitz says that these leadership skills, such as evaluating a need, solving problems, and working with others, can be applied to every subsequent area of life.

Danielle Herschitz4. Work Toward Academic and Workplace Goals

Not all of the benefits of charities helping young people reach their full potential are intangible. In fact, it is no secret that having experience as a volunteer looks excellent on a college application.

This is not limited to higher education, either. Working with a non-profit organization can help a student achieve a greater reach in the workplace later in life, too. The leadership skills demonstrated above will look attractive to employers looking for a team player who cares about the community.

5. Learn to Be More Generous

Finally, Danielle Herschitz reports that learning to be more generous is one of the key benefits that can reflect the potential a young person reaches when they are involved in their local charities. They are trained in thinking of how they can help, first, when any resource comes their way.

In Conclusion

To sum it all up, Danielle Herschitz says that youth empowerment can be achieved through charities that not only specifically aid the youth of today but allow youth to volunteer in helping one another.

Some of these benefits can take a young person to the next level of character growth in terms of having higher self-esteem or empathy levels for one another, leading to better generosity in nature. Other benefits are more practical, such as contributing to career and academic goals by volunteering.

Regardless of what capacity a young person chooses to get into volunteering, charity can help these members of a younger demographic reach all the potential tucked away inside.