Atlantic County Workforce Development Offering Casino Dealer Training


The Atlantic County Workforce Development Board wants to make a deal with eligible county residents 18 years and older who are interested in becoming a casino dealer.

The WDB will pay for them to attend a six-week training program, waive the $100 casino license fee and help them secure immediate job placement. Funding is provided through the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act.

“This is a wonderful opportunity to learn new skills, receive proper training and obtain a job with just six weeks investment of time. And it’s all for free,” County Executive Dennis Levinson said in a news release. “These new dealers could be on casino floors before Memorial Day weekend.”

The Atlantic County One Stop Career Center will provide training, Monday through Friday, beginning as early as April 1.

All participants must meet state-mandated criteria. Those interested may contact the Workforce Development Board at (609) 485-0052 to speak with a customer service representative or visit in-person at 2 S. Main Street in Pleasantville, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.