Laila Al-Lamadani Discusses the Importance of Family as a Single Parent


Laila Al-Lamadani is a HR professional and single-mom who values health, career, and the family unit. In the following article, Laila Al-Lamadani discusses the importance of family, creating a safe environment for children to thrive, and the hard work single-parents face each day as sole-providers for their households.

With an estimated 24 million children and young people being raised in single parent homes across the country, the traditional idea of the nuclear family is becoming less common each year.

This does not mean that single parent households are any less important, and cannot create an environment of love, safety, and unity within the home. Instead, Laila Al-Lamadani says that households with only one parent often need to work harder to create a somewhat different, but no less important, family life.

Making Extra Time to Be Together

It is possible for a lone parent to build a happy, healthy home that is both mentally stable and stimulating for children. It certainly requires more effort, as one person takes on the responsibilities of the traditional two.

However, research suggests that children of lone parents can benefit from being more included in the decisions made within the household, such as vacation and event planning, or home improvement projects.

Laila Al-Lamadani says that managing a household’s obligations has to be balanced well, otherwise some children may feel they are burdened by adult choices and responsibilities. But, when done effectively, it can create an environment of true teamwork between the child and parent.

Extended Family Plays a Large Part

Not all single parent families have the benefit of extended family members being available to lend a hand. However, in situations where they are involved, their presence can make a huge difference.

Aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents can help to fill the hole that a child may feel with the absence of a parent. Having the additional support of extended family and friends is beneficial for both the child, and parent, especially during hardships, life changes, and adolescence.

This includes the family of the mom or dad who is not living in the home. It can be difficult for single parents to encourage their child to visit the family of an ex or absent parent, but for those who do encourage contact, it can be a beneficial choice for that of the child and those family members.

Oftentimes, children of single parents tend to be closer to their extended families than children of two-parent households.

From childcare to family vacations, the old adage of ‘it takes a village’ has never been more accurate. Laila Al-Lamadani says that there should be no pressure on single parents to feel they have to take on all the responsibility, all of the time.

Laila Al-LamadaniFinancial Support is Welcome

In knowing that nearly 30% of single parents live in poverty, compared to just 6% of two-parent households, external family or even new, chosen family, can help support a lone parent in making ends meet.

Single moms are more likely to have less expendable income than single dads, but ultimately poverty does not discriminate, and can affect anyone at any time. For those with young children, asking for help in a time of need can be critical to a child’s growth and development.

Families Do Well When They Communicate

Studies have shown both solo and dual parents should agree that to raise emotionally healthy children, frequency and intensity in communication are key.

Listening to and nurturing a child, especially when they voice concerns or are troubled, goes a long way toward encouraging confidence and support in their home, social, and educational lives.

For a single parent, Laila Al-Lamadani says that this takes extra effort, as they must balance careers, chores, and giving time to their children, usually all in the same day. Closing down lines of communication can lead to children hiding important information from their parent, which can cause deeper routed problems, particularly as children get older and enter adolescence.

Communication is especially important during periods of transition. In such situations, knowing how the child feels can be key to a continually healthy relationship.

Laila Al-Lamadani says that family should remain the number one influence in a child’s life. If there is a lack of nurturing, then a child may seek that support elsewhere, unaware of the subsequent dangers. For single parent families, the need to be vigilant remains even more important.