Devin Harris of Joplin, MO on Purchasing Pet Insurance for a Great Dane

Devin Harris Joplin, MO

Devin Harris of Joplin, MO is the owner of Great Danes of the Ozarks, an AKC breeder of Great Dane puppies. In the following article, Devin Harris explains the necessity of insuring your pet, and why it is so important in the life of a Great Dane.

All insurers will attempt to convince prospective customers that insurance for pets is vital. However, for someone looking to insure their dog, it can be difficult to know whether pet insurance is really necessary, or simply a money-maker for insurance companies.

When it comes to insuring a Great Dane, Devin Harris of Joplin, MO says that the overwhelming consensus is that insurance is definitely necessary. This is due to several factors, especially because these giants of the canine world are unique animals who come with a whole host of characteristics.

Great Danes are Huge Dogs

It sounds obvious, but Great Danes are the tallest breed of dog in the world explains Devin Harris of Joplin, MO. When they stand on their hind legs, they can be as tall as a 6-foot human. And while they have soft and even goofy temperaments, they are huge, often clumsy dogs.

The Great Dane has no idea of its own size and will usually run, jump, and play as though it were a Chihuahua puppy. It can mean plenty of broken household items as they barge and charge their way around the house according to Great Danes of the Ozarks.

Aside from all the usual puppy behaviors like chewing and scratching, the probability of a Great Dane accidentally breaking an item in the house (including its owner’s limbs) is high.

Pedigree Dogs Are Likely to be More Expensive

The Great Danes of the Ozarks explains that while most veterinarians and even insurance companies will advise owners to choose a mixed breed or even a mongrel, they appreciate that many have their hearts set on pedigree breeds because of certain desirable characteristics. And Great Danes are certainly appealing.

However, pedigrees are often closely bred and are susceptible to more genetic diseases according to Devin Harris of Joplin, MO. This alone is a reason to insure a Great Dane as soon as it’s home from the breeder. Illness of any kind usually means a vet bill, and these can be greatly reduced with some carefully selected pet insurance.

Each breed comes with its own susceptibility to certain conditions, but Great Danes are known for suffering from joint issues like hip dysplasia, heart issues like cardiomyopathy, and some gastric conditions. Getting the right coverage could mean that even when these problems arise in the animal, vet bills will be covered.

Cost of Living Increase

Devin Harris of Joplin, MO says that everyone is feeling that financially, life is that little bit more difficult right now. Rising fuel prices and employment problems can mean that a surprise bill can hit the household hard.

Great Danes can cost their owners as much as $20,000 in their lifetime, and while many owners appreciate that it’s all part and parcel of owning a dog, a surprise vet bill can be a crippling weight to an already burdened family explains Devin Harris of Joplin, MO. Avoiding the pressure of surprise vet bills is something pet insurance protects against.

Great Danes of the OzarksInsurance Means Better Care

No owner ever wants to be in a position where they have to decide on whether or not a veterinarian should try and save their dog or not, but when there’s no insurance on an animal, sometimes that decision has to be made.

Devin Harris of Joplin, MO says that protecting a dog like a Great Dane with insurance means that the largest and most beloved part of the family can get all the medical care it requires, and if they’re on the best plan possible, this care could come without limits.

Insurance is Peace of Mind

By the end of a Great Dane’s lifetime, they may have had no serious health problems and have never had any real use for their owners to take advantage of the insurance premiums that have been pain on their behalf.

But this is always the case with any insurance premium explains the Great Danes of the Ozarks. What a customer is paying for when they take out a premium on their Great Dane is peace of mind. They are protecting themselves against the ‘what-ifs’ that come with pet ownership.

Devin Harris of Joplin, MO explains that this can include emergency surgery, sudden sickness, a motor vehicle accident, or any other kind of unexpected event that can arise at any moment of the day or night.

Some owners will see pet insurance of any kind as being an unnecessary expense to pay every month, but for owners of Great Danes who wish to protect themselves against unwelcome incidents, it is always wise to enquire about pet insurance.