The Somers Point Police Department had one of its favorite events of the year Tuesday night with the holiday toy drive.
The event began with Santa, along with the help of the fire department, delivering gifts to Shore Medical Center Pediatrics, the Wyatt Hopkins Blue Toy Drive and four local families.
“On behalf of Chief Somers and all members of the Somers Point Police Department, we wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season and a Happy New Year,” according to the Somers Point Police Department’s Facebook page.
Officers raise funds to assist local families through “No Shave” November and December. With donations from the officers, the William Morrow Foundation, Somers Point Fire Co. No. 2, Grace Lutheran Church, the Nor Win Kiwanis, the Jersey Cape Antique Automobile Club, and a donation from a local resident, the police department was able to help shop for 15 children and Shore Medical Center Pediatrics, according to the post.
And toys donated by the community, the Rotary Club, South Jersey Cape Antique Automobile Club, and dropped off to the police department, were distributed between the Wyatt Hopkins Blue Toy Drive and Shore Pediatrics.