Autumn colors are greeting friends and visitors in Somers Point as they approach the bridge to Ocean City on all four corners.
The Green Thumb Garden Club of Somers Point volunteers replaced the summer blooms in all eight containers with daffodil bulbs, yellow mums and purple cabbages.
“We freshen them up for every season and now we’re asking everyone to consider helping our club in a fun way,” said Rosemary Evans, from the Garden Club. “Treat yourself or others.”
The Garden Club will host a fundraiser bus trip to celebrate Christmas at Longwood Gardens on Tuesday, Nov. 29.
The bus leaves from Somers Point from the Target at the shopping center at 11 a.m. and returns home by 8 p.m.
Reservations are limited and going fast.
“Help us continue beautifying our town,” Evans said. “It’s what we love to do.”
Submit your forms. Cost is $85 and includes entry to Longwood Gardens, bus ride and driver tip.
Lunch is not included. Forms are available at the Somers Point City Hall clerk’s counter and the Somers Point Library.
For more information call Rosemary Evans at 609-214-6967.