Hope Exists Foundation to Celebrate at Sept. 21 Gala


The Hope Exists Foundation will celebrate its fourth anniversary 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21, with a gala “Last Day of Summer” event at Linwood Country Club, 500 Shore Road.

Immediately after taking office in 2017, Atlantic County Sheriff Eric Scheffler formed the Hope Exists Foundation to help fund and support the Hope One Mobile Outreach Project. It provides direct services for people suffering from mental health and substance use disorders.

“The foundation continues to adapt and evolve, identifying the community’s needs and providing the necessary resources for empowerment,” foundation Chairman William Mazur said. “The Hope Exists Foundation is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion as core values. We believe everyone deserves a chance at a better life.”

The Hope One Mobile Outreach concept was replicated and expanded from the Morris County Sheriff’s Office program. The unit goes into various communities of Atlantic County to meet individuals where they are and connect them to treatment.
The program has worked to remove service gaps and barriers that sometimes prevent an individual from succeeding in recovery.
Since its inception, Hope One has connected 3,600 individuals to treatment and other services.
For more information, see hopeexistsfoundation.org.