The Living Church of God Explains Ways to Handle the Loss of a Loved One

Living Church of God Reviews

The award-winning Tomorrow’s World television series is produced by the Living Church of God, along with a magazine and several other publications. In these publications, current events and biblical prophecy are discussed. In the following article, the Living Church of God reviews how to handle the grief that accompanies the loss of a loved one.

Losing a loved one is never easy, especially once funeral services end, relatives and friends return home, and we’re left alone with our thoughts and grief. We may begin to question life’s purpose, think about our own mortality, and doubt our ability to cope with overwhelming feelings of despair and anger. But according to the Living Church of God, it’s at times like these when we must put our faith in God and seek His strength.

The Bible provides answers to the many questions that arise when a loved one dies. By re-centering our lives around God and His teachings, we can overcome the most difficult of times and return to the pillar of strength that is His truth. To build this foundation, the Living Church of God reviews the following methods of handling grief.

Find Comfort in the Bible’s Lessons

The Bible is a powerful tool that can help us cope with the loss of a loved one. Like Job, whose sons and daughters were taken in a single day, we too can learn to overcome our grief by turning to God. The Living Church of God explains that Job put his hope in a coming resurrection, knowing that someday his family would return to embrace him in the coming Kingdom of God.

We can find similar hope in the words of Jesus Christ. As the Son of God said, “The hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life” (John 5:28–29). The Living Church of God says that if we live in accordance with God’s teachings, we too shall be welcomed into His Kingdom and reunite with our lost loved ones.

Reach Out to Family for Support

The Living Church of God reviews that the Bible reminds us that there is a time to mourn (Ecclesiastes 3:1–8), but also that we should be careful to remember the living. After the death of a loved one, we should take comfort in the company of those who also knew and loved them.

Family members can offer support, advice, and understanding that can help us through the grieving process, and we should also look for support from our brothers and sisters in Christ. The Living Church of God says that those who are of like mind can relate to our situation and provide additional guidance on how to move forward.

Find Meaning in Life

In the very first chapter of the Bible, God exclaims, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). The Living Church of God reviews that although it may often feel as if life is purposeless or that we must find our own meaning, the word of God sets forth everything we need to know. If we were created in God’s image, after God’s likeness, we exist to form relationships with our Creator.

The Living Church of God says that a relationship with God can give our lives purpose and meaning, even in the darkest of times. When we put our trust in Him, He will provide us with the strength to get through anything. Those who live according to his will and teachings will be granted eternal life in His coming kingdom.
Living Church of God Reviews

Living Church of God ReviewsNever Lose Faith in God’s Plan

In the book of Hebrews, the Bible teaches that man was created “a little lower than the angels” (Hebrews 2:7). The Living Church of God reviews that, in time, human beings shall inherit all things upon being reborn as God’s children. The book of Hebrews explains later that, although we currently cannot inherit “all things” in our mortal positions, once we enter God’s eternal family, we shall then have access to our inheritance (v. 8).

The Living Church of God states that we can have faith in God’s plan and promise that we shall eventually inherit the entire universe. Although our grief may feel overwhelming now, we have the opportunity to be reunited with those we’ve loved and rule in the Kingdom of God.

Live with Confidence in the Coming Kingdom of God

Death is nothing to be feared as long as we have faith in God’s plan. By living in accordance with the word of God, we can be confident that we will one day enter His kingdom and be reunited with our loved ones.

The Living Church of God reviews that although the loss of a loved one may leave us feeling broken and lost, we must remember that our time in this physical life is only temporary. But, if we live our lives according to the Bible’s teachings, we can be confident that we will spend eternity under the loving rule of our Savior.

Final Thoughts

The Living Church of God explains that God has given us the answers we seek through His word. Though the loss of a loved one may seem challenging, the coming kingdom of God will restore all that is lost, and we will praise His name together for all eternity.