Jeffrey Bauza Discusses Common Mistakes When Restoring a Classic Car

Jeffrey Bauza

Jeffrey Bauza is a classic car enthusiast from Missouri who reports on car collecting and restoring. In the article below, Mr. Bauza discusses the ins and outs of restoring a classic car, and what are some of the most common boo-boos made in the process.

Classic cars get a lot of their value from the age, rarity, quality, and condition of the vehicle. Understandably, most classic car owners want to keep their rides in tip-top condition for as long as possible. Yet, restoring a classic car takes a special set of skills and it’s easy to make mistakes that can completely devalue the vehicle says Jeff Bauza.

From using the wrong parts to simply not knowing what to do, would-be classic car restorers can quickly ruin an otherwise spectacular classic car. Jeffrey Bauza looks at some of the most common mistakes made when restoring a classic vehicle and learn what we should be doing instead.

Mistake #1 – Not Doing the Necessary Research

One of the most common mistakes people make when restoring a classic car is not doing their research on what is needed on the car. Generally speaking, it’s best to have an idea of what you’re getting into before you start taking apart a vehicle says Jeffrey Bauza. This means learning about the different parts of the car, how they work, and what needs to be done to restore them and keeping what doesn’t need to be fixed.

Unfortunately, many would-be restorers think that they have the skills needed to disassemble a classic automobile based on their knowledge of modern vehicles. This leads them to use the wrong methods and materials, ruining the original design of the car according to Jeffrey Bauza.

Mistake #2 – Not Using the Right Parts

Another common mistake people make when restoring a classic car is not using the right parts. Many classic car owners try to save money by using lower-quality parts or parts that are not designed for their specific vehicle. This can lead to serious problems down the road, including decreased performance and reliability.

Jeffrey Bauza says that at the heart of the problem is that by using the wrong parts, would-be restorers take away from what makes a car a classic. This approach is less about restoring the vehicle and more about transforming it into a modern automobile hidden under the stylings of an older frame. After all, to maintain its value, a classic car must remain as close to its original form as possible.

Jeffrey BauzaJeffrey BauzaMistake #3 – Not Maintaining the Vehicle

Many classic owners make the mistake of thinking that, once they’ve restored their vehicle, they can just sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Unfortunately, says Jeff Bauza that’s not the case. Classic cars require regular maintenance, just like any other vehicle. Failing to properly maintain a classic car can lead to a number of problems, including low performance, decreased fuel efficiency, and increased emissions, and inability to pass inspection.

Not to mention, it can also void the warranty on any of the parts used to restore the vehicle. To avoid these problems, it’s important to have a regular maintenance schedule for your classic. This should include things like oil changes, tune-ups, and tire rotations. By taking care of your car, you’ll be able to enjoy it for years to come says Jeffrey Bauza.

Mistake #4 – Not Hiring a Professional When They’re Need

Any car is a complex machine with a lot of moving parts, especially a classic says Jeff Bauza. As such, it requires regular maintenance and probably a few repairs. Many classic car owners think that they can save money by doing all the work themselves. In reality, most people lack the skills and knowledge necessary to properly maintain a classic car.

This often leads to more problems, not to mention the fact that it can do more harm than good to the vehicle. As a rule, if you don’t know how to fix or restore a certain part, it’s always best to hire a professional with the knowledge needed to get the job done right says Jeffrey Bauza.

Professionals trained to handle classic automobiles and will have the right tools and equipment to do it within budget and without damaging your ride. They may even have the connections to find high-quality original parts so you can maintain your vehicle’s classic features as best as possible.

Final Thoughts

Jeffrey Bauza says that restoring a classic car is a delicate process that requires a great deal of knowledge and skill. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of thinking that they won’t need the help of a professional. This often leads to the use of wrong parts, incorrect methods, and an overall decreased value of the vehicle.

If you’re thinking about restoring a classic car, be sure to do your research and, when in doubt, always hire a professional. With the help of a classic specialist, you can be sure that your vehicle will be restored to its former glory.