County Elections Superintendent Says Prepare For Primary Election


The June 7 primary election cycle is well underway and Atlantic County Superintendent of Elections Maureen Bugdon is reminding voters to register, check and/or update their voter registration information prior to important New Jersey election deadlines.

Residents who are 18 as of June 7 and who have lived in Atlantic County for at least 30 days prior to that date and are not currently serving a prison sentence are all encouraged to register to vote.

According to Budgon, simple steps can be taken to make sure your voter status is current and prevent any delays when voting by mail or at the polls on Election Day, Nov. 8, or during early voting, June 3-5 at various locations throughout Atlantic County.

“The simplest way to make sure you’re all set is to visit the website,,” Bugdon said.

Once there, visitors who click on “Register to Vote” or “Am I registered?” will be taken to the appropriate online forms.

From a computer or smartphone, they need only supply the basic identifying information along with the last four digits of their Social Security number or their New Jersey driver’s license number.

All information submitted is electronically transferred to election officials for input into the Statewide Voter Registration System.

Residents may also register or update their status via a traditional paper voter registration form, which should then be mailed or delivered to the Atlantic County Superintendent of Elections/Commissioner of Registration at 5920 Main Street, Mays Landing, N.J. 08330.

May 17 is the voter registration deadline for new voters who would like to vote in the New Jersey primary election.

For existing Atlantic County voters who wish to update their profile with change of name and/or address, etc., updates are also preferred by May 17, but not required by that date.

“Be sure to check your affiliation status if you haven’t done so in a while,” said Bugdon. “Only voters who are registered Democratic, Republican or unaffiliated as of April 13, the change of party affiliation deadline, are eligible to participate in New Jersey’s primary election.”

To change your party affiliation, you may also visit Look for the blue bar at the top of the page that reads “Additional Forms” and click on party-affiliation-form.pdf.

A paper party affiliation form is also available upon request through the superintendent’s office at (609) 645-5882. Unaffiliated voters, those not affiliated with any party, may declare Democratic or Republican at the polls if they would like to vote in this year’s Primary Election.

For more information, contact the Superintendent’s Office at (609) 645-5882.