Shore Medical Center’s Veterans Support Group Moves to In-Person Beginning April 6


Shore Medical Center announced that its veterans support group, Vet 2 Vet Café, will now be held in-person at the hospital’s Center for Family Caregivers beginning with its April 6 meeting.

The Center for Family Caregivers is located at Shore Medical Center, just steps away from the main lobby, at 100 Medical Center Way in Somers Point.

Vet 2 Vet Café, which began virtually in January, is held the first Wednesday of every month from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. and is an opportunity for veterans to connect, tell stories of service and assist one another in a supportive environment.

Each session is facilitated by John Prutting, Veterans Outreach Coordinator for Angelic Health and a two-time Operation Enduring Freedom veteran with eight years of military service. As a veteran himself, Prutting understands the specific needs and wants of other veterans.

To RSVP for an upcoming date, please call 609-653-3628 and leave your name and the date of the session you’re planning to attend or register online at

The remaining 2022 sessions are April 6, May 4, June 1, July 6, August 3, September 7, October 5, November 2 and December 7.

Guests will enter the hospital from the main entrance. Upon entering the lobby, they will undergo a temperature check and be provided with a surgical mask if they do not have one. They will be asked to wear a mask for the duration of the session.

Parking will be validated for all Vet 2 Vet Café guests.