As the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine continues, a group of local teenagers is holding a donation drive to assist the Ukrainian children who have been impacted during this conflict.
The donation drive is seeking the following items:
- Diapers
- Baby Wipes
- Baby Food (in pouches only)
- Energy Bars
The donation drop-off will take place Thursday, March 17, from to 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at a public parking lot at 16th Street and Haven Avenue in Ocean City adjacent to the CVS Pharmacy.
Look for the Ukrainian flag for the drop-off point.
OCNJDaily.com is providing transportation for the donations and will deliver them to the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee (UUARC) headquartered in Philadelphia.

The UUARC air-transports the donations directly to the refugees that have been displaced during the Ukrainian conflict.
“While there are a lot of groups raising donations for Ukraine, I feel that any little bit can help and we just want to do our part,” said Allison Wisnefski, of Ocean City, whose children, Alec, Anna and Anderson, along with Aidan Fasy, also of Ocean City, put the idea of the donation drive together.
“With all the horrible images we all see every day on the news, the kids wanted to try to do something to help,” Wisnefski added.
In lieu of monetary donations, people are asked to purchase the specific donation items and provide them during the drop-off time.
For more information on the Ukrainian American Relief Committee, visit www.uuarc.org.