Free Virtual Workshop for People with Cancer and Caregivers


Are you or someone you love undergoing cancer treatment? Or, have you completed treatment and are now struggling with its effects?

If so, consider attending the free 6-week virtual workshop “Cancer: Thriving & Surviving” presented by the N.J. Office of Cancer Control and Prevention and regional health coalitions, including the Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health.

Through these social worker-led weekly workshops, you’ll learn how to overcome challenges that can accompany a cancer diagnosis.

Sessions will be held on Wednesdays from March 16 through April 20, with two sessions to choose from for your convenience, either 10 a.m. to noon or 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

To register for one of the six-week sessions, visit For more information, call Angela Bailey, Cancer Community Outreach Manager at 609-653-3992.

Workshops will focus on finding real solutions to common cancer-related challenges, including depression, changes in your body, fatigue, discomfort, sleep problems, stress and anxiety, and how to live with uncertainty.

Each workshop builds off of the previous week’s workshop to give attendees a full arsenal of tools and resources to help them manage the effects of cancer.

“Cancer: Thriving and Surviving” is an evidence-based program originally developed by Stanford University and is being offered throughout the country to help people with cancer and survivors have the best outcome and improve their quality of life.

This project is a collaboration of New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Cancer Control and Prevention, and regional Coalitions: Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Hunterdon, Mercer, Monmouth, and Ocean.

About the Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health

The Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health is a regional chronic disease prevention coalition funded by the New Jersey Department of Health, Office of Cancer Control and Prevention.

The purpose is to reduce the state’s cancer burden and improve health outcomes for people with, or at risk for cancer and other chronic diseases in Atlantic and Cape May counties.

For more information on Comprehensive Cancer Control, visit the Office of Cancer Control and Prevention. Shore Medical Center is lead agency for Atlantic and Cape May Counties. Learn more at