Dr. Todd J. Williams to Speak at Ocean City Tabernacle

Todd Williams (Courtesy of Ocean City Tabernacle)

The Ocean City Tabernacle welcomes back Dr. Todd J. Williams, president of Cairn University, to speak at the 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services on Sunday, Sept. 19.

Prior to his appointment as Cairn’s president in 2008, Dr. Williams served as senior vice president and provost for the university. From 2001 until 2005 he served as headmaster and CEO of Trinity Christian School in Fairfax, Va.

While in northern Virginia, he also served as visiting lecturer for the Witherspoon Fellowship in Washington, D.C.

From 1999-2001, Dr. Williams served as vice president and academic dean for undergraduate education at Cairn, where he began his educational career as a faculty member teaching social sciences in the School of Arts and Sciences.

Dr. Williams holds a Bachelor of Science in Bible from Cairn University as well as Master of Education and Ph.D. degrees from Temple University in Philadelphia. He is an experienced educator, CEO, fundraiser and organizational development consultant.

He is a regular contributor to online and print publications and serves as a visiting lecturer and speaker on cultural and professional issues. He is chairman of the Board of Governors of The John Jay Institute in Pennsylvania and a member of the Board of Directors of Gospel Volunteers Inc.

For a complete schedule of speakers, concerts and events at the Tabernacle, visit www.octabernacle.org.

Located at 550 Wesley Avenue, the Ocean City Tabernacle is a family ministry center where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is central. 2021 marks the Tabernacle’s 142nd year of ministry.