Stockton to Host Cannabis Webinar

The panel on cannabis and tourism will be held March 10. (Photo credit

Stockton University will host a webinar on cannabis regulations and what New Jersey can learn from other states at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 23 via Zoom.

The webinar will be presented by John Hudak, senior fellow in governance studies and deputy director of the Center for Effective Public Management at the Brookings Institution.

Since Colorado and Washington first legalized recreational marijuana in 2012, Hudak has been studying cannabis policy.

He has written extensively about unfolding cannabis regulatory developments and published the 2016 book “Marijuana: A Short History” that offers a comprehensive history of marijuana regulation.

In November 2020, New Jersey voters approved a constitutional amendment legalizing marijuana and the state now confronts the task of developing and implementing a regulatory framework for marijuana.

Hudak will place New Jersey in the broader context of marijuana legalization in other states, considering how other states have set up their legalized cannabis regulations, what the effects of legalization have been elsewhere, and what lessons can be drawn from the experience of other states that might inform New Jersey’s system.

The webinar is sponsored by the Stockton American Democracy Project/Political Engagement Project (ADP/PEP) and the Cannabis Studies Minor Program at Stockton.

The event is free and open to the public but registration is requested at

After registering, participants will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the webinar.

For more information, contact Assistant Professor of Political Science and chair of the ADP/PEP Claire Abernathy at