Shore Medical Center Announces No-Visitor Policy

Shore Medical Center in Somers Point will hold a fundraiser for the radiation oncology department.

Shore Medical Center in Somers Point is implementing new rules amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Recently, our hospital community and others throughout South Jersey have experienced an uptick in COVID-19 cases,” the announcement stated. “Out of extreme caution, and to protect the health of our patients, their families, and our #ShoreHealthcareHeroes, we’re implementing a NO VISITOR policy beginning Wednesday, Oct. 14 (6 a.m.) until further notice.”

The following exceptions are as follows:

**Patients in hospice or end-of-life care

**One visitor/support person for maternity

**One visitor/support person for pediatric patients

**Visitors who meet these exceptions will be screened for symptoms before being allowed to visit.

“At Shore, we know how important it is to have your loved ones by your side during your hospital stay,” according to the announcement. “Please know that our staff will continue to care for you like you are a member of their own family, and will do everything possible to make sure your loved ones have a means of regular communication during your stay.”