Free Virtual Workshop Series for Cancer Patients and Survivors Begins Oct. 13

Shore Medical Center in Somers Point

Cancer has a tremendous impact on patients, survivors and those they love, affecting their health and happiness in many ways. A free seven-week virtual workshop series, “Cancer: Thriving & Surviving,” is being offered beginning Tuesday, Oct. 13, to help them have the best outcome and improve their quality of life.

The series is facilitated by regional coalitions through the N.J. Office of Cancer Control and Prevention. Shore Medical Center in Somers Point is the lead agency for the Cape Atlantic Coalition for Health.

“Cancer: Thriving and Surviving” is an evidence-based program originally developed by Stanford University and is being offered throughout the country. The workshop series focuses how to manage the many challenges faced by people battling cancer, survivors and caregivers.

Topics include fatigue management, exercise and fitness, managing pain, healthy sleep, living with uncertainty, problem solving, communication and dealing with difficult emotions. Each session builds upon the previous session, so it is recommended that participants attend as many as possible.

The workshop will be held 9:30 a.m. to noon every Tuesday through Nov. 24, starting Oct. 13. The first session will be brief, as that week will be for introductions and to make sure all participants can access the platform.

Space is limited. Register in advance by calling Community Cancer Outreach Manager Angela Bailey at 609-653-3484 or email

You can also register online at