A.C. Electric Offering Energy Savings


Atlantic City Electric has proposed energy efficiency programs that will provide all of its customers with the tools they need to take control of their energy usage and save money, according to a news release.

In a proposal to the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, the company outlined its plans to provide residential and business customers with no-cost energy assessments, an array of incentives for energy efficiency upgrades, rebates on products, and a variety of other ways to help them use less energy.

The program goals are for a clean and sustainable energy future for all state residents, the release says.

In total, Atlantic City Electric’s proposed programs are expected to save customers more than $550 million.

The programs include every size business, renters and homeowners, single-family homes and multifamily buildings, and households with limited incomes.

“We cannot achieve a clean energy future without robust energy efficiency offerings that help all our customers save money and energy,” said Gary Stockbridge, Atlantic City Electric region president.

Atlantic City Electric designed nearly one-third of its proposed benefits to meet the needs of households with limited incomes.

Some of the benefits include rebates for income-qualified customers on specific products and no-cost home energy checkups.

The graphic shows some of the energy programs by Atlantic City Electric. (Image courtesy AC Electric)

In addition, the company is proposing a weatherization program that will install up to $7,500 in home energy retrofits at no cost for households with moderate incomes that are currently unable to participate in the Comfort Partners program.

Atlantic City Electric’s proposed programs will also improve air quality in South Jersey, according to the release.

By significantly reducing customer energy demands, the programs will reduce local air pollution and improve the health of communities.

The programs are expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1.5 million tons — the equivalent of removing nearly 300,000 cars from the road for one year — and reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 885 tons and nitrous oxide emissions by 783 tons.

If approved by the BPU, the company will work with a number of local and regional vendors to begin offering initial programs starting in July 2021.

For more information, see atlanticcityelectric.com.